[Rails] Southern Maine Ruby Group

I thought this should probably be forwarded to the ruby-talk list
as well. A new ruby brigade popping up in Portland, ME is worth
noting. (BTW, you guys lucked out, even though Portland, OR
beet you to forming a Ruby Brigade, they chose to go with pdx.rb,
so you can still claim portland.rb as your own.)



On 1/12/06, Nick Stuart <nicholas.stuart@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi folks! Just wanted to let everyone here now that a new Ruby group
is starting up in the Portland, Maine area. The group is going to be a
general Ruby group covering as many aspects of the language as we can,
and of course this will include Rails coverage as well.

Our second meeting is actually tonight (nice long notice, I know :slight_smile: )
and I'll hopefully be going through an intro to rails and doing a
demonstration about it. You can find specifics at
http://ruby.meetup.com/66 where the location and dates will be
announced for future events.

Sorry for the bit off-topic, but wanted to let any Mainers that might
be lurking on the list know about us! Happy Railing!

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