RAA trouble and maintenance


RAA database crashed several times in past few weeks
from server machine trouble. With the trouble happened this
morning(JST), we lost following 6 new entries.

  • rubygems_succ [new entry]
  • ctapi [new entry]
  • sql-serialize [update]
  • libpbar-ruby [update]
  • win32-mmap [update]
  • win32-service [update]

I’m very sorry for owners of these projects…

I’ll replace current RAA implementation with the new one and restart
it in 2004-03-31 or +1 week. Until then, to avoid the same trouble,
RAA is set under read only mode. Sorry again for users inconvenience.

// NaHi


From: “NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nahi@keynauts.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:40 PM

I’ll replace current RAA implementation with the new one and restart
it in 2004-03-31 or +1 week. Until then, to avoid the same trouble,
RAA is set under read only mode. Sorry again for users inconvenience.

Fully reimplemented RAA/2.4 load test site opened at
http://dev.ruby-lang.org/raa2.4/. You can update information now at
the site. We will replace the site http://raa.ruby-lang.org after
a week or so unless error found.

Please check the load test site and contact to raa-admin@ruby-lang.org
when you found a bug or a feature request. Thank you for your

// NaHi


From: “NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nahi@keynauts.com
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 11:42 AM

Fully reimplemented RAA/2.4 load test site opened at

For the person who is interested in the implementation, or the
person who want to do whitebox test…

<-HTTP ProxyPass-> App server with WEBrick(as a web container)
<-druby-> RAA server
<-RAA SOAP marshaller-> file

WEBrick web container:
RAA server:

WEBrick web container and RAA server both runs with
ruby 1.9.0 (2004-04-03) [i686-linux].


// NaHi

SOAP marshalled RAA information example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<env:Envelope xmlns:xsd=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

'SOAP4R' is an implementation of
SOAP 1.1 (W3C Note) [URL:Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1].

For more details, see

<short_description xsi:type=“xsd:string”>SOAP 1.1 and WSDL 1.1 implementation</short_description>

(md5 hexdigest)







“NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nahi@keynauts.com wrote in message news:014e01c419ee$871d9430$04e6a8c0@sarion.co.jp


From: “NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nahi@keynauts.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:40 PM

I’ll replace current RAA implementation with the new one and restart
it in 2004-03-31 or +1 week. Until then, to avoid the same trouble,
RAA is set under read only mode. Sorry again for users inconvenience.

Fully reimplemented RAA/2.4 load test site opened at
http://dev.ruby-lang.org/raa2.4/. You can update information now at
the site. We will replace the site http://raa.ruby-lang.org after
a week or so unless error found.

Please check the load test site and contact to raa-admin@ruby-lang.org
when you found a bug or a feature request. Thank you for your

// NaHi


I just tried to update win32-mmap and I got this error: “RAA is in
maintenance mode until 2004-03-31. Sorry for your inconvenience.”.

When will we be able to update?




From: “NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nahi@keynauts.com
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 11:42 AM

I’ll replace current RAA implementation with the new one and restart
it in 2004-03-31 or +1 week. Until then, to avoid the same trouble,
RAA is set under read only mode. Sorry again for users inconvenience.

Fully reimplemented RAA/2.4 load test site opened at
http://dev.ruby-lang.org/raa2.4/. You can update information now at
the site. We will replace the site http://raa.ruby-lang.org after
a week or so unless error found.

I added history(versions) and dependency support to the test site.
Sorry for updating while testing. It’s major backend change so
I wanted to add before official releasing.

I want to replace the old RAA with new one in this week.
Please hit the load test site to find bugs.
Thank you for your cooperation.

// NaHi

NAKAMURA, Hiroshi wrote:

  • I’ll be able to write RAA YAML marshaller for RAA YAML feed
    once YAML-ruby typesystem is fixed.

What do you mean? Is it broken? Or by ‘fixed’ do you mean there is not
a ruby type repository?

Whatever this case, I’d love to see this go.


Daniel Berger wrote:

“NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” wrote:

I’ll replace current RAA implementation with the new one and restart
it in 2004-03-31 or +1 week. Until then, to avoid the same trouble,
RAA is set under read only mode. Sorry again for users inconvenience.

Fully reimplemented RAA/2.4 load test site opened at
http://dev.ruby-lang.org/raa2.4/. You can update information now at
the site. We will replace the site http://raa.ruby-lang.org after
a week or so unless error found.

Please check the load test site and contact to raa-admin@ruby-lang.org
when you found a bug or a feature request. Thank you for your

// NaHi

I just tried to update win32-mmap and I got this error: “RAA is in
maintenance mode until 2004-03-31. Sorry for your inconvenience.”.

I can’t try it, 'cos I haven’t any projects up there but IIUC
you can only update at the //dev site and I presume any updates will
be carried over when the main site is replaced.

When will we be able to update?

//dev site - Now.
//raa site - In a week or so. (see above)

The notice seems clear.


Hi, all,

From: “NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nahi@keynauts.com
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 12:04 PM

I want to replace the old RAA with new one in this week.

Owners: Go http://raa.ruby-lang.org/ and keep your gems fresh.

// NaHi


From: “why the lucky stiff” ruby-talk@whytheluckystiff.net
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 12:25 PM

  • I’ll be able to write RAA YAML marshaller for RAA YAML feed
    once YAML-ruby typesystem is fixed.

What do you mean? Is it broken? Or by ‘fixed’ do you mean there is not
a ruby type repository?

I was thinking my post [ruby-talk:95422] and your post
[ruby-talk:96022] “rethinking the YAML+Ruby typing mechanism”.

I never expect “forever fixed marshalling format” but…
How stable do you think?

// NaHi


From: “daz” dooby@d10.karoo.co.uk
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 7:09 AM

I just tried to update win32-mmap and I got this error: “RAA is in
maintenance mode until 2004-03-31. Sorry for your inconvenience.”.

I can’t try it, 'cos I haven’t any projects up there but IIUC
you can only update at the //dev site and I presume any updates will
be carried over when the main site is replaced.

Yes, we will. I hope the test site does not keep information-lost
kind of bug.

//dev site - Now.
//raa site - In a week or so. (see above)

I had to change message in update.rhtml, too. Done.

// NaHi


Owners: Go http://raa.ruby-lang.org/ and keep your gems fresh.

// NaHi

would SOAP interface allow us to update data and not just retrieve
them ?

/me looks forward for RAA +rubyforge integrations :slight_smile:


il Thu, 15 Apr 2004 14:33:59 +0900, “NAKAMURA, Hiroshi” nahi@keynauts.com ha scritto::


Owners: Go http://raa.ruby-lang.org/ and keep your gems fresh.


From: “gabriele renzi” surrender_it@rc1.vip.ukl.yahoo.com
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:04 PM

  • SOAP interface is still under development.
    Possible in next week…

would SOAP interface allow us to update data and not just retrieve
them ?

It should be easy to allow under current daemonized RAA.

Beside this, we should have HTTPS server so that
pass phrase which is sent via Web form or SOAP is

/me looks forward for RAA +rubyforge integrations :slight_smile:

RubyForge developer made an offer to do so. (Sorry for not
realized yet…)

We’ll issue a client certificate for RubyForge server, too.
All RubyForge users won’t oppose updating information
by RubyForge server, will you? Users should not store their
RAA pass phrase in RubyForge site.

The biggest problem about setting up HTTPS server for now is,
who own this CA and where private files located…

// NaHi

Sounds great! Those who are interested in this may want to click the
“monitor” button on this RFE:


which is where I hope to make progress comments on this nifty effort…




On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 05:51, NAKAMURA, Hiroshi wrote:

We’ll issue a client certificate for RubyForge server, too.
All RubyForge users won’t oppose updating information
by RubyForge server, will you? Users should not store their
RAA pass phrase in RubyForge site.

The biggest problem about setting up HTTPS server for now is,
who own this CA and where private files located…