[QUIZ] Word Loop (#149)

#A loop is possible whenever there are two of the same lettter an even distance
#greater than 2 from each other
def first_loop(letters)
  0.upto(letters.length-1) do |idx1|
    (idx1+4).step(letters.length-1,2) do |idx2|
      return [idx1,idx2] if letters[idx1].casecmp(letters[idx2])==0

letters = ARGV.first.split(//)

first,last = first_loop(letters)

if first==nil
  puts "No loop"

letters[(last+1)..-1].reverse_each {|l| puts ' '*first + l}
puts letters[0..(first+1)].join
1.upto((last-first-1)/2) do |n|
  puts ' '*first + letters[last-n] + letters[first+1+n]


----- Original Message ----
From: Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net>
To: ruby-talk ML <ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org>
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2007 2:45:02 PM
Subject: [QUIZ] Word Loop (#149)

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Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps
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Here's a fun little challenge from the Educational Computing
Organization of

Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it
that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:

    $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi


    $ ruby word_loop.rb Markham


    $ ruby word_loop.rb yummy

If a loop cannot be made, your code can just print an error message:

    $ ruby word_loop.rb Dana
    No loop.

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