[QUIZ] Word Loop (#149)

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.



Here's a fun little challenge from the Educational Computing Organization of

Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it such
that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:

  $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi


  $ ruby word_loop.rb Markham


  $ ruby word_loop.rb yummy

If a loop cannot be made, your code can just print an error message:

  $ ruby word_loop.rb Dana
  No loop.

Maybe it's because it's a Friday afternoon, but I don't understand the
quiz problem. Could someone who understands this try explaining it
(without, of course, discussing any code or even pseudo-code to
approach it).

I've looked over those examples a few times and I'm totally baffled.
What does "loop the text around and reuse that letter" mean?


On Dec 7, 1:45 pm, Ruby Quiz <ja...@grayproductions.net> wrote:

Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it such
that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:

        $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi


        $ ruby word_loop.rb Markham


        $ ruby word_loop.rb yummy

I read this quiz on the mailing list in GMail and I didn't get this
challenge at first. Then I realized that you need to imagine the
examples in a fixed-width font.

Just FYI. :slight_smile:


On Dec 7, 2007 3:45 PM, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.


Here's a fun little challenge from the Educational Computing Organization of

Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it such
that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:

        $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi


        $ ruby word_loop.rb Markham


        $ ruby word_loop.rb yummy

If a loop cannot be made, your code can just print an error message:

        $ ruby word_loop.rb Dana
        No loop.

I presume allowing multiple overlaps is valid (if not encouraged?).
For example, "absolvable" can make use of three overlaps:


And "chincherinchee", which is a South African perennial, can be
arranged with seven overlaps. I'll leave it as a mini-challenge you
can try....




On-site, hands-on Ruby training is available from http://LearnRuby.com

Here is my solution that tries to make all possible arrangements and
displays solutions with the maximum number of overlaps.




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# Solution to Ruby Quiz #149 provided by LearnRuby.com
# The code to this solution can also be found at:
# http://learnruby.com/examples/ruby-quiz-149.shtml
# This solution tries to find all solutions and then selects those
# with the maximum number of overlaps. Good words to try are
# "absolvable" and "chincherinchee". It is implemented with a
# recursive search.

# The Grid class is used to hold a grid where each cell contains a
# character or, if it's empty, nil. Furthermore, the grid keeps track
# of how many overlaps there are in the word that spins within it,
# since that's the measure of how good the arrangement is.
class Grid
  attr_reader :overlaps

  def initialize
    @grid = Array.new
    @overlaps = 0

  def [](position)

  def []=(position, value)
    sub_array(position[0])[position[1]] = value

  def inc_overlaps
    @overlaps += 1

  def dec_overlaps
    @overlaps -= 1

  def to_s
    @grid.map do |row|
      if row
        row.map { |c| c || ' ' }.join('')

  def dup
    other = Grid.new
    @grid.each_with_index do |row, i|
      other.grid[i] = row.dup unless row.nil?
    other.overlaps = @overlaps

  # Trim grid so it's as small as possible. Assumes that filled areas
  # are contiguous, so that an empty row would not sit between
  # non-empty rows.
  def trim!
    @grid.delete_if { |row| row.nil? || row.all? { |c| c.nil? } }
    trim_columns = empty_columns
    @grid.each_index do |i|
      @grid[i] = @grid[i][trim_columns..-1]
      @grid[i].pop while @grid[i].last.nil?


  attr_reader :grid
  attr_writer :overlaps

  # Utility method that returns the sub-array of @grid at index.
  # Since the sub-array may have not yet been created, will create it
  # if necessary.
  def sub_array(index)
    sub_array = @grid[index]
    sub_array = @grid[index] = Array.new if sub_array.nil?

  # returns the number of entries at the start of each sub-array that
  # are empty, so the grid can be "left-trimmed".
  def empty_columns
    index = 0
    index += 1 while @grid.all? { |row| row.nil? || row[index].nil? }

# This module contains some convenience methods to move a position in
# a direction, and to figure out a new direction when a right turn is
# made.
module Direction
  RightTurns = {
    [0, 1] => [1, 0],
    [1, 0] => [0, -1],
    [0, -1] => [-1, 0],
    [-1, 0] => [0, 1],

  # returns the rightwards direction
  def self.rightwards
    [0, 1]

  def self.turn_right(direction)

  def self.move(position, direction)
    [position[0] + direction[0], position[1] + direction[1]]

# Recursively tries placing characters on grid until the full word is
# placed or a conflict is found. During the recursion we try two
# options -- continuing in same direction or making a right turn.
# Results are accumulated in result parameter, which is an array of
# Grids.
def find_loops(word, letter_index, grid, position, direction, result)
  new_position = Direction.move(position, direction)

  character_placed = false

  # one of three conditions -- cell is empty, cell contains a letter
  # that matches the current word letter, cell contains a letter that
  # doesn't match current word letter
  if grid[new_position].nil?
    # empty cell -- put character in
    grid[new_position] = word[letter_index, 1]
    character_placed = true
  elsif grid[new_position] == word[letter_index, 1]
    # cell with matching character, increment overlap count
    # cell with non-matching character, quit searching this branch

  # have we placed the entire word; add to results, otherwise recurse
  # continuting in same direction and after making a right turn
  if letter_index == word.size - 1
    result << grid.dup
    # try going in the same direction and also try making a right turn
    find_loops(word, letter_index + 1, grid,
               new_position, direction, result)
    find_loops(word, letter_index + 1, grid,
               new_position, Direction.turn_right(direction), result)

  # restore the grid or overlap count depending on earlier condition
  if character_placed
    grid[new_position] = nil

# This is the entry point to the loop-finding process. It places
# first letter in a new grid and calls the recursive find_loops
# methods.
def solve(word)
  size = word.length
  grid = Grid.new

  # starting position allows room for word to go leftwards or upwards
  # without bumping into left or top edges; assumes initially heading
  # rightwards and only right turns can be made
  position = [size - 5, size - 4]
  direction = Direction.rightwards

  # put first character at starting position
  grid[position] = word[0, 1]

  # generate solutions in results parameter
  results = []
  find_loops(word, 1, grid, position, direction, results)

# find the best results and display them
def display_best_results(results)
  # the best results have most overlaps, so sort so most overlaps
  # appear at front of array, and then use the first element's
  # overlaps as best score
  results = results.sort_by { |r| -r.overlaps }
  best_score = results.first.overlaps

  puts "Number of overlaps: #{best_score}"
  puts "=" * 40
  results.select { |r| r.overlaps == best_score }.each do |result|
    puts result.trim!
    puts "=" * 40

if $0 == __FILE__
  if ARGV.size == 1
    $stderr.puts "Usage: #{$0} _word_"
    exit 1

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz
until 48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps
everyone on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the
original quiz message, if you can.



On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 15:45:02 -0500, Ruby Quiz wrote:

Here's a fun little challenge from the Educational Computing
Organization of Ontario.

Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it
such that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For

  $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi


  $ ruby word_loop.rb Markham


  $ ruby word_loop.rb yummy

If a loop cannot be made, your code can just print an error message:

  $ ruby word_loop.rb Dana
  No loop.

def loopword word
  if matchinfo
    pad=" "*before.size
    after.reverse.split(//).each{|l| puts pad+l}
    puts before+letter+looplets.shift
    until looplets.empty?
      puts pad+looplets.pop+looplets.shift
    puts "No loop."

loopword "Mississippi"
loopword "Markham"
loopword "yummy"
loopword "Dana"
loopword "Organization"





No loop.


(The last is a testcase which makes sure that I get the #shifts and #pops

Ken (Chanoch) Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

My solution...

def find_knot letters #returns first and last index which become a "knot"
  letters.each_with_index do |letter1, ind1|
    (ind1+4).upto(letters.length - 1) do |ind2|
      if (ind2 - ind1) % 2 == 0
        if letters[ind2].casecmp(letter1) == 0
          return [ind1, ind2]
  return nil

def loop word
  letters = word.split(//)
  first, last = find_knot letters
  if first.nil?
    puts "No loop"
    (letters.length-1).downto(last+1) { |i|
      print " "*first
      puts letters[i]
    print letters[0..first+(last-first)/2-1]
    puts " "*first
    first.times {print " "}
    (last-1).downto(first+(last-first)/2) { |i| print letters[i] }

loop "Mississippi"
loop "Markham"
loop "Yummy"
loop "Dana"

Ruby Quiz wrote:


The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.


Here's a fun little challenge from the Educational Computing Organization of

Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it such
that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:

  $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi


  $ ruby word_loop.rb Markham


  $ ruby word_loop.rb yummy

If a loop cannot be made, your code can just print an error message:

  $ ruby word_loop.rb Dana
  No loop.

OK, here is my solution to this extremly fun quiz! :slight_smile:


class Quiz149
  def initialize(word)
    @word = word
    @pos = 0 # currently observed char
    @knots = # current knots positions
    @combos = {} # a set of knot combos found so far
    @size = @word.length*2 - 1
    @arr = Array.new(@size) { Array.new(@size, ?.) } # a size x size
of dots
    @hist = # position history

  def (x, y)

  def =(x, y, c)
    @arr[y] = c

  def print
    @arr.each { |line| puts line.map{ |c| c.chr }.join }

  def length

  def loop(x = self.length - 1, y = self.length - 1)
    @hist.push([x, y])
    c = self[x, y]
    self[x, y] = @word[@pos]
    @pos += 1
    if @pos >= length # reached end of the word
      if !@knots.empty?
        self.print unless @combos[@knots]
        @combos[@knots] = true
      looptry(x + 1, y ) # right
      looptry(x, y - 1) # up
      looptry(x - 1, y ) # left
      looptry(x, y + 1) # down
    @pos -= 1
    self[x, y] = c

  def no_loop? # was there any solution?


On Dec 7, 10:45 pm, Ruby Quiz <ja...@grayproductions.net> wrote:

Here's a fun little challenge from the Educational Computing Organization of

Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it such
that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:

        $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi


  def looptry(x, y)
    # could not make this look any uglier :wink:
    return if @hist.size >= 2 && x == @hist[-2][0] && y == @hist[-2]

    c = @word[@pos]
    f = self[x, y]
    if f == c || f == ?.
      @knots.push(@pos) if f == c
      loop(x, y)
      @knots.pop() if f == c

STDIN.each do |line|
  quiz = Quiz149.new(line.chomp.downcase)
  puts "No loop." if quiz.no_loop?

I think it finds all of the possible solutions. A set of already
known solutions is kept to track down the equivalent ones and do not
print them.

It outputs something like this:

$ ./loop.rb








No loop.

Of course, it could be tweaked to remove the unneeded dots when
printing, however I pretty much love it this way. :wink:

Alex Shulgin

Gavin Kistner wrote:


On Dec 7, 1:45 pm, Ruby Quiz <ja...@grayproductions.net> wrote:


Maybe it's because it's a Friday afternoon, but I don't understand the
quiz problem. Could someone who understands this try explaining it
(without, of course, discussing any code or even pseudo-code to
approach it).

I've looked over those examples a few times and I'm totally baffled.
What does "loop the text around and reuse that letter" mean?

I agree, I'm lost as well...
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

I've looked over those examples a few times and I'm totally baffled.
What does "loop the text around and reuse that letter" mean?

Imagine your word as a string. You're trying to make a knot, just a fold
really, in the string, and the bit where the string folds over itself is
a repeated letter.

- donald

> Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it such
> that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:

> $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi
> i
> p
> p
> Mis
> ss
> si

> or:

> $ ruby word_loop.rb Markham
> Ma
> ar
> hk

> or:

> $ ruby word_loop.rb yummy
> yu
> mm

Maybe it's because it's a Friday afternoon, but I don't understand the
quiz problem. Could someone who understands this try explaining it
(without, of course, discussing any code or even pseudo-code to
approach it).

I've looked over those examples a few times and I'm totally baffled.
What does "loop the text around and reuse that letter" mean?

Ah, got it.

[y] -> [u]
^ |
> v
[m] <- [m]

[M] -> [a]
^ |
> v
[a] [r]
^ |
> v
[h] <- [k]

[M] -> [i] -> [s]
        ^ |
        > v
       [s] [s]
        ^ |
        > v
       [s] <- [i]


On Dec 7, 2:27 pm, Phrogz <phr...@mac.com> wrote:

On Dec 7, 1:45 pm, Ruby Quiz <ja...@grayproductions.net> wrote:

I wish I read read that before I wasted too much time staring at the
examples. Thanks.


On Dec 7, 2007 3:30 PM, Christian von Kleist <cvonkleist@gmail.com> wrote:

On Dec 7, 2007 3:45 PM, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:
> The three rules of Ruby Quiz:
> 1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz
> 48 hours have passed from the time on this message.
> 2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:
> http://www.rubyquiz.com/
> 3. Enjoy!
> Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps
> on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz
> if you can.
> Here's a fun little challenge from the Educational Computing
Organization of
> Ontario.
> Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it
> that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:
> $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi
> i
> p
> p
> Mis
> ss
> si
> or:
> $ ruby word_loop.rb Markham
> Ma
> ar
> hk
> or:
> $ ruby word_loop.rb yummy
> yu
> mm
> If a loop cannot be made, your code can just print an error message:
> $ ruby word_loop.rb Dana
> No loop.

I read this quiz on the mailing list in GMail and I didn't get this
challenge at first. Then I realized that you need to imagine the
examples in a fixed-width font.

Just FYI. :slight_smile:

Phrogz wrote:

Given a single word as input try to find a repeated letter inside of it such
that you can loop the text around and reuse that letter. For example:

        $ ruby word_loop.rb Mississippi


Maybe it's because it's a Friday afternoon, but I don't understand the
quiz problem. Could someone who understands this try explaining it
(without, of course, discussing any code or even pseudo-code to
approach it).

It took me a few monents too. The letters have to be arranged in a grid so that by moving one square at a time, the word is spelled out. The test is to see whether the word can be spelled out by, at some point, moving over the same grid square twice.

I'm taking from the MISSISSIPI example that moves have to be in the same direction as the last move, or at a 90 degree angle to it, otherwise it could be spelled by moving up back onto "S" after the second "I" in the bottom right.



On Dec 7, 1:45 pm, Ruby Quiz <ja...@grayproductions.net> wrote:

I apologize for all of the confusion. I had trouble explaining this one, which is why I pretty much punted and showed a bunch of examples. :wink:

There are some better visual descriptions in this thread now though, so hopefully everyone gets it now.

James Edward Gray II


On Dec 7, 2007, at 3:30 PM, Phrogz wrote:

Maybe it's because it's a Friday afternoon, but I don't understand the
quiz problem. Could someone who understands this try explaining it
(without, of course, discussing any code or even pseudo-code to
approach it).

Here is my solution. It finds the longest cycle possible.

Joe L

input = ARGV.first

size = input.length
size -= 1 if size % 2 == 0

a = nil

in2 = input.downcase
while !a && size > 2 do
  a = in2.index(/(.).{#{size}}(\1)/)
  size -= 2 if !a

if a then
  b = a + size + 1
  (input.length-1).downto(b+1) do |i|
    puts input[i,1].rjust(a+1)
  puts input[0,a+2]
  space = a
  a += 2
  b -= 1
  while a < b do
    puts "#{"".rjust(space)}#{input[b,1]}#{input[a,1]}"
    a += 1
    b -= 1
  puts "No Loop."

That's just awesome. Great find!

James Edward Gray II


On Dec 9, 2007, at 1:50 PM, Eric I. wrote:

I presume allowing multiple overlaps is valid (if not encouraged?).
For example, "absolvable" can make use of three overlaps:


Here is my first solution. By default, it finds the smallest circle.
If you remove one line, it will find all simple loops.


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author:: Thomas Link (micathom AT gmail com)
# Created:: 2007-12-08.

class Quiz149
    Solution = Struct.new(:idx, :width, :height)

    def initialize(word)
        @word = word
        @wordic = word.downcase
        @wordsize = word.size
        @solutions = []

    def find_solutions
        for height in 1 .. (@wordsize - 4)
            for width in 1 .. (@wordsize - 2 * height - 2)
                for idx in 0 .. (@wordsize - 2 * height - 2 * width -
                    if @wordic[idx] == @wordic[idx + width * 2 +
height * 2]
                        @solutions << Solution.new(idx, width, height)
                        return self # Remove this line to find all

    def print_solutions
        if @solutions.empty?
            puts 'No loop.'
            @solutions.each_with_index do |sol, sol_idx|
                canvas_x = sol.idx + sol.width + 1
                canvas_y = @wordsize - sol.idx - sol.height - 2 *
                canvas = Array.new(canvas_y) {' ' * canvas_x}
                pos_x = -1
                pos_y = canvas_y - sol.height - 1
                @word.scan(/./).each_with_index do |char, i|
                    if i <= sol.idx + sol.width
                        pos_x += 1
                    elsif i <= sol.idx + sol.width + sol.height
                        pos_y += 1
                    elsif i <= sol.idx + 2 * sol.width + sol.height
                        pos_x -= 1
                        pos_y -= 1
                    if canvas[pos_y][pos_x] == 32
                        canvas[pos_y][pos_x] = char
                puts canvas.join("\n")


if __FILE__ == $0
    if ARGV.empty?
        ARGV.each {|w| Quiz149.new(w).find_solutions.print_solutions}

My second solution uses a recursive algorithm and provides a curses
interface to show all sorts of knots/loops.


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author:: Thomas Link (micathom AT gmail com)
# Created:: 2007-12-08.


# Nervous letters movie. If you run the script with -c, only clock-
# permutations will be shown.

require 'curses'

class NervousLetters
    class << self
        def solve_clockwise(word)
            @@directions = {
                :right => [ 1, 0, :right, :down],
                :left => [-1, 0, :left, :up],
                :up => [ 0, -1, :right, :up],
                :down => [ 0, 1, :left, :down],

        def solve_any(word)
            @@directions = {
                :right => [ 1, 0, :right, :up, :down],
                :left => [-1, 0, :left, :up, :down],
                :up => [ 0, 1, :right, :left, :up],
                :down => [ 0, -1, :right, :left, :down],

        def solve(word)
                @@solutions = []
                @@stepwise = true
                pos0 = word.size + 1
                @@canvas_size = pos0 * 2
                NervousLetters.new([], ':', word.scan(/./),
                                   pos0, pos0, :right,
                                   false, true)
            if @@solutions.empty?
                puts 'No loop.'
                puts "#{@@solutions.size} solutions."

    attr_reader :letters, :letter, :pos_x, :pos_y

    def initialize(letters, letter, word, pos_x, pos_y, direction,
has_knot, at_knot)
        @letters = letters.dup << self
        @letter = letter
        @pos_x = pos_x
        @pos_y = pos_y
        if word.empty?
            new_solution if has_knot
            @word = word.dup
            @next_letter = @word.shift
            @has_knot = has_knot
            _, _, *turns = @@directions[direction]
            turns.each do |turn|
                next if at_knot and turn != direction
                dx, dy, _ = @@directions[turn]
                try_next(pos_x + dx, pos_y + dy, turn)

    def try_next(pos_x, pos_y, direction)
        has_knot = false
        @letters.each do |nervous|
            if pos_x == nervous.pos_x and pos_y == nervous.pos_y
                if @next_letter.downcase != nervous.letter.downcase
                    has_knot = true
        NervousLetters.new(@letters, @next_letter, @word,
                           pos_x, pos_y, direction,
                           @has_knot || has_knot, has_knot)

    def new_solution
        @@solutions.last.draw(self) unless @@solutions.empty?
        @@solutions << self
        if @@stepwise
            Curses.setpos(@@canvas_size + 1, 0)
            Curses.addstr('-- PRESS ANY KEY (q: quit, r: run) --')
        if @@stepwise
            ch = Curses.getch
            case ch
            when ?q
            when ?r
                @@stepwise = false
            # sleep 0.1

    def draw(eraser=nil)
        consumed = []
        @letters.each do |nervous|
            if eraser
                next if eraser.letters.include?(nervous)
                letter = ' '
                letter = nervous.letter
            yx = [nervous.pos_y, nervous.pos_x]
            unless consumed.include?(yx)
                consumed << yx


if __FILE__ == $0
    case ARGV[0]
    when '--clockwise', '-c'
        clockwise = true
        clockwise = false
    for word in ARGV
        if clockwise

Here is the much-less-clever code used to create the quiz:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU

word = ARGV.first or abort "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} WORD"
if word.downcase =~ /([a-z]).(?:.{2})+\1/
   before, during, after = word[0, $`.length],
                           word[$`.length, $&.length],
                           word[-$'.length, $'.length]
   indent = " " * before.length
   after.split("").reverse_each { |char| puts indent + char }
   puts before + during[0..1]
   ((during.length - 3) / 2).times do |i|
     puts indent + during[-(i + 2), 1] + during[2 + i, 1]
   puts "No loop."


James Edward Gray II


On Dec 9, 2007, at 1:50 PM, Eric I. wrote:

Here is my solution that tries to make all possible arrangements and
displays solutions with the maximum number of overlaps.

I thought this one is too easy once you understand what it is about
but people always come up with difficult solutions. I wish I knew what
the regexp does :S

For those who cannot understand it either:

def indexes l, i
  res =
  ptr = 0
  while (ptr = l.index i, ptr)
    res << ptr
# .
# . .
# c4.....c3
def draw_loop word, c1, c5
  length = (c5 - c1) -4
  width = length/4
  height = length/2 - width
  word = word[0..0].upcase + word[1..-1]
  c2 = c1 + width +1
  c3 = c2 + height +1
  c4 = c3 + width +1
  word[(c5+1)..-1].reverse.scan(/./).map{|c| " "*c1 + c + "\n"}.join +
    word[0..c2] + "\n" +
    (1..height).map{|i| " "*c1 + word[c5 - i].chr + " "*width +
word[c2 + i].chr + "\n"}.join +
    " "*c1 + word[c3..c4].reverse + "\n"
def wloop word
  while ptr < word.length
    if tried.include? word[ptr]
    char = word[ptr]
    tried << char
    pos = indexes word, char
    next unless pos.length > 1
    i, j = 0
    while i < pos.length - 1
      j=pos.length - 1
      while j > i
        diff = pos[j] - pos[i]
        if (diff)>=4 && (diff) % 2 == 0
          return draw_loop word, pos[i], pos[j]
    ptr += 1
  "No loop \n"


On 09/12/2007, Ken Bloom <kbloom@gmail.com> wrote:

def loopword word
  if matchinfo
    pad=" "*before.size
    after.reverse.split(//).each{|l| puts pad+l}
    puts before+letter+looplets.shift
    until looplets.empty?
      puts pad+looplets.pop+looplets.shift
    puts "No loop."

loopword "Mississippi"
loopword "Markham"
loopword "yummy"
loopword "Dana"
loopword "Organization"





No loop.


(The last is a testcase which makes sure that I get the #shifts and #pops