[QUIZ] Solution: Magic Squares (#124)

Here goes!

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w


# Author: Christian Roese
# Filename: magicsquare.rb
# Date: 20-05-07
# Ruby Quiz #124 - Magic Squares

# behold, a rhodes magic square class!
class MagicSquare
  def initialize(size)
    @size = size
    @square = Array.new(size)
    @square.each_index { |i| @square[i] = Array.new(size, 0) } # create
multidimensional array of zeroes
    # let's get started building this thing

  # primary function in this class; takes care of all the legwork by filling
in the magic
  # square with successive numbers
  def create
    stop = @size ** 2
    row = 0
    col = (@size - 1) / 2 # handy trick to find middle of zero-based
    1.upto(stop) do |num|
      @square[row][col] = num
      temp_row, temp_col = row - 1, col - 1
      temp_row = @size - 1 if temp_row < 0 # handle going off the deep
end and adjust accordingly
      temp_col = @size - 1 if temp_col < 0 # ...and here, too
      if @square[temp_row][temp_col] != 0 # check if prospective spot is
already filled
        temp_row, temp_col = row + 1, col # if so, move down one spot
from initial square
      # get ready for next iteration
      row = temp_row
      col = temp_col

  # pretty-printing function that displays the magic square in a box
  # looks alright until numbers get above 1,000...
  def pp
    rowsep = "+" + "-" * (@size * 6 - 1) + "+" # IMPROVE ME: more dynamic
string for larger squares - perhaps dependent on @size^2
    rowfmt = "|" + " %3d |" * @size +"\n" # IMPROVE ME: more dynamic
string for larger squares - perhaps dependent on @size^2
    puts rowsep
    @square.each do |sub|
      printf(rowfmt, *sub)
      puts rowsep

  # helper function to check row sum
  def magic_number(row=0)
    @square[row].inject { |sum, n| sum + n }
  private :create

# grab cmd-line arg and convert it to a number
# NOTE: if to_i fails here, it returns a 0 which is then caught by the
if-then clause - no exceptions needed!
input = ARGV.shift.to_i

# prevent bad input
# NOTE: ignoring size == 1 since it's a trivial square
if input <= 2 || input % 2 == 0
  puts "Bad argument - must be an odd integer > 2"
  exit E_BADARG

# make a new square, print it fancily(?), and spit out the magic number for
sq = MagicSquare.new(input)
puts "magic number = #{sq.magic_number}"

Christian Roese

sorry about the formatting folks, first time poster!



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