[QUIZ] Diamond-Square (#198)

Since there were no solutions submitted on the mailing list this week
I've included a solution of my own.

    class DiamondSquare
      def self.rando
        rand() - 0.5

      def self.go(times)
        arrays = [[0.5]]

        ratio = 2

        times.times do
          arrays.map! do |array|
          arrays = insert_arrays(arrays)
          compute_from_diagonals(arrays) {|a, b, c, d| (a + b + c +
d)/4 + rando*ratio}
          compute_from_adjacents(arrays) {|a, b, c, d| (a + b + c +
d)/4 + rando*ratio}
          ratio *= 0.5

        return arrays

      def self.insert_arrays(arrays)
        new_arrays = []
        arrays.size.times do |i|
          array = arrays[i]
          new_arrays.push array, Array.new(array.size, 0.0)
        return new_arrays

      def self.insert_nils(array)
        new_array = []
        array.size.times do |i|
          new_array.push(array[i], 0.0)
        return new_array

      def self.compute_from_adjacents(arrays)
        n = arrays.size
        n.times do |row|
          n.times do |col|
            next if (row + col) % 2 == 0
            arrays[row][col] =
              yield(arrays[(row-1)%n][col], arrays[row][(col-1)%n],
                    arrays[row][(col+1)%n], arrays[(row+1)%n][col])

      def self.compute_from_diagonals(arrays)
        n = arrays.size
        n.times do |row|
          next if row % 2 == 0
          n.times do |col|
            next if col % 2 == 0
            arrays[row][col] =
              yield(arrays[(row-1)%n][(col-1)%n], arrays[(row-1)%n][(col+1)%n],
                    arrays[(row+1)%n][(col-1)%n], arrays[(row+1)%n][(col+1)%n])

      def self.print_arrays(arrays)
        i = 0
        arrays.each do |array|
          print "%4d: " % i
          array.each do |ele|
            print '%1.3f ' % ele
          i += 1
        puts '---------------------------------------'

I actually wrote it almost a year ago to generate the terrain for
[Dungeon Farmer][1]. It's kind of clunky, but it has its merits. Some
of the interesting things about this solution are that rather than
start with a full sized array it starts with a small array (very small
actually, 1x1) and inserts empty elements to be filled in before each
step. This causes the array to double in width and height at each

The `compute_from_diagonals` and `compute_from_adjacents` methods
yield the four adjacent or diagonal cells so that you can easily
change the nature of the computation. The cells wrap around in a
toroidal manner to make it easy to compute the values on the edges.

It was fun to make and I hope you find it interesting!

[1]: http://code.google.com/p/strd6/wiki/DungeonFarmer

