[QUIZ] Sodoku Solver (#43)

Ok, I couldn't resist.

Here is my version using bit operations rather than Sets:
(The logic is exactly the same, not very optimal but twice
as fast as with Sets nevertheless - I hacked this very quick,
I hope there are no major flaws in it)


require 'Set'
require 'Benchmark'

col = Array.new(9) {|o| Array.new(9){|i| o + i*9}}
row = Array.new(9) {|o| Array.new(9){|i| o*9 + i}}
box = Array.new(9) {|o| Array.new(9){|i|
   (o / 3) * 27 + (o % 3) * 3 + ((i % 3) + (i / 3) * 9)}}

# this contains the 3 'neighbourhoods' (row/col/box)
# of each of the 81 cells
NEIGHBOURHOODS = Array.new(81) {|o|
   [row[o / 9], col[o % 9], box[(o / 27) * 3 + (o % 9) / 3]]}

COMBINEDNEIGHBOURS = Array.new(81) {|o|
   NEIGHBOURHOODS[o].flatten.uniq! - [o]}
SINGLEBIT = (1..9).inject({}){|h, i| h[1 << i] = i; h}

def numbits i
c = (i & 1)
while (i = i >> 1) > 0
    c += (i & 1)

def eachbit i
  c = 0
  while i >= (1 << (c+=1))
    yield c if (i & (1 << c)).nonzero?

class Board
  attr_reader :cells, :possibilities
  #initializes the cells and possibilities
  def initialize c
   @possibilities = Array.new(81) {(1..9).inject(0){|r, v| r |= 1 << v}}
   @cells = Array.new(81, nil)
   81.times{|i|set_cell(i, c[i]) if c[i]}
  def initialize_copy(b)
    @cells = b.cells.clone
    @possibilities = b.possibilities.clone
  def to_s
   "+-------+-------+-------+\n| " +
   Array.new(3) do |br|
     Array.new(3) do |r|
       Array.new(3) do |bc|
         Array.new(3) do |c|
           cells[br*27 + r * 9 + bc * 3 + c] || "_"
         end.join(" ")
       end.join(" | ")
     end.join(" |\n| ")
   end.join(" |\n+-------+-------+-------+\n| ") +
   " |\n+-------+-------+-------+\n"
  #recursively sets cell 'c' to 'v' and all trivial dependend cells
  def set_cell c, v
    cells[c], possibilities[c], mask = v, 1 << v, ~(1 << v)
    COMBINEDNEIGHBOURS[c].each{|i| possibilities[i] &= mask}
    COMBINEDNEIGHBOURS[c].each do |i|
      if !cells[i] && (v = SINGLEBIT[possibilities[i]])
        set_cell(i, v)
    return self
  #solves with logic and brute force if neccessary',
  #returns nil if unsolvable
  def solve!
   c = i = changed = 0
   while i = ((i+1)..(changed+81)).find{|x|!cells[x % 81]}
     NEIGHBOURHOODS[c = i % 81].each do |neighbours|
       pn = neighbours.inject(possibilities[c]){|r, j| (j != c) ? (r &
~possibilities[j]) : r}
       if v = SINGLEBIT[pn]
          set_cell(changed = i = c, v)
   return self if cells.all?
   return nil if possibilities.any?{|p| p.zero?}
    p, i = possibilities.zip((0..80).to_a).select{|a, b|numbits(a) > 1}.
      min{|a, b|numbits(a[0]) <=> numbits(b[0])}
    eachbit(p){|j| b=clone.set_cell(i, j).solve! and return b}
    return nil

# main
count, $stdout.sync, total = 0, true, Benchmark::Tms.new
Benchmark.bm(15, "total", "average") do |bm|
   loop do
     cells = []
     while !ARGF.eof? && (cells.size < 81) do
       ARGF.gets.scan(/[0-9_.]/).each{|c| cells << c.to_i.nonzero?}
     break if ARGF.eof?
     board = nil
     total += bm.report("solving nr #{count+=1}") do
       board = Board.new(cells).solve!
     puts board ? board.to_s : "UNSOLVEABLE!" + "\n\n"
   [total, total / count]

