[QUIZ] Rhyming Words (#195)

"Daniel Moore" <yahivin@gmail.com> wrote in message

## Rhyming Words (#195)

Salutations fellow Rubyists,

This weeks quiz comes courtesy of Redd Vinylene:

> How do I match words that rhyme, like end rhymes, last syllable
> rhymes, double rhymes, beginning rhymes and first syllable rhymes?
> Like rhymer.com. I'm looking to improve my freestyle skills :slight_smile:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmqXKbxDoJ0

Your task is to create a Ruby program that when given a word and a
type of rhyme (end rhymes, last syllable rhymes, double rhymes,
beginning rhymes, first syllable rhymes) returns a list of rhyming

Have Fun!

My solution takes the quiz idea, but not really its requirements :slight_smile:

I've decided to drop the syllable-based rhymes only at first, as they asked
for a pretty cumbersome pieces of code. After implementing and trying it out
I've found that to my own taste _all_ types of rhymes described at
rhymer.com do not add enough to behavior to grant complications of code, so
I've cleaned them out too :slight_smile:

My final solution is limited to perfect and identical rhymes only.
First two commented lines - commands to run before to make it work.
You can see this working at http://gamewords.herokugarden.com/

# wget http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/research/ilash/Moby/mpron.tar.Z
# tar zxvf mpron.tar.Z

$words = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k]=}
$rhymes = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k]=}

def perfect_key(pron)
  key =
  pron.reverse.each do |snd|
    key << snd
    break if snd =~ /1$/

def rhymes(word)
  wup = word.upcase
  $rhymes[perfect_key($words[wup])] - [wup]

File.open('mpron/cmudict0.3') {|f| f.readlines}.each do |l|
  w, *pron = l.strip.split(' ')
  next unless !w.empty? and w.grep(/[^A-Z]/).empty?
  pron.map!{|sound| sound.sub(/2/,'1')}
  $rhymes[perfect_key(pron)] << w

input = ARGV.empty? ? ['laughter', 'soaring', 'antelope'] : ARGV
print input.map{|w| w+': '+rhymes(w).map(&:downcase).join(',

This week's quiz had an excellent solution from Eugene Kalenkovich.

In order to get this to work on my machine in 1.8 or 1.9 I had to add
the following:

    # Adding 1.9 and 1.8 compatibility
    if :a.respond_to? :to_proc
      class String
        include Enumerable
        alias :each :each_line
      class Symbol
        def to_proc
          proc { |obj, *args| obj.send(self, *args) }

This is probably not the best overall solution to make code 1.9
compatible, but it does illustrate some of the differences between
Ruby versions. It appears as though the code was written for 1.8 but
with Facets or another library defining `Symbol#to_proc`.

Eugene's solution requires a database (plain text file of words and
pronunciations) to operate. The file contains entries in the following

    # ...
    # ...
    # ...

These are phonetic representations of the words. The readme file that
accompanies the database describes the pronunciations in detail if you
are interested in learning more.

    # lookup tables to store the words and rhyming words
    $words = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k]=[]}
    $rhymes = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k]=[]}

The `perfect_key` method is what determines what words perfectly rhyme
with one another. It iterates through the reverse of the sound list
and stops after adding the first stress. So if the word is 'mongoose'
`perfect_key` will return `["S", "UW0", "G", "NG", "AA1"]`.

    # Returns an array of sounds starting at the end and
    # going through the first stress
    def perfect_key(pron)
      key = []
      pron.reverse.each do |snd|
        key << snd
        break if snd =~ /1$/

The rhymes method is used to display the rhyming words in the output.
It gets all the rhyming words for the given word's perfect key and
returns the list minus the word itself.

    def rhymes(word)
      wup = word.upcase
      $rhymes[perfect_key($words[wup])] - [wup]

Reading the data file and creating the tables of pronunciation and
words is the bulk of the processing. This section iterates through
each line in the word data file and creates a mapping from the word to
the pronunciation, skipping comment lines or lines that have words
with non-alpha characters. After mapping the word to the pronunciation
it adds the word to the list of rhymes that is mapped by the perfect
key of the pronunciation in the `$rhymes` hash.

    File.open('mpron/cmudict0.3') {|f| f.readlines}.each do |l|
      w, *pron = l.strip.split(' ')
      next unless !w.empty? and w.grep(/[^A-Z]/).empty?
      pron.map!{|sound| sound.sub(/2/,'1')}
      $words[w] = pron
      $rhymes[perfect_key(pron)] << w

The program will find rhymes for all command line arguments passed in,
or some example arguments if none are given. Having already loaded the
data into a mapping that is convenient, all that is left is to lookup
the lists of words that match the given words perfect rhymes and print
them out.

    input = ARGV.empty? ? ['laughter', 'soaring', 'antelope'] : ARGV
    results = input.map do |w|
      w + ': ' + rhymes(w).map(&:downcase).join(', ') + "\n"

    print results

Thank you, Eugene, for a very cool solution!


- Daniel

Super duper!


On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:03 AM, Eugene Kalenkovich <rubify@softover.com>wrote:

"Daniel Moore" <yahivin@gmail.com> wrote in message
> ## Rhyming Words (#195)
> Salutations fellow Rubyists,
> This weeks quiz comes courtesy of Redd Vinylene:
> > How do I match words that rhyme, like end rhymes, last syllable
> > rhymes, double rhymes, beginning rhymes and first syllable rhymes?
> >
> > Like rhymer.com. I'm looking to improve my freestyle skills :slight_smile:
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmqXKbxDoJ0
> Your task is to create a Ruby program that when given a word and a
> type of rhyme (end rhymes, last syllable rhymes, double rhymes,
> beginning rhymes, first syllable rhymes) returns a list of rhyming
> words.
> Have Fun!


My solution takes the quiz idea, but not really its requirements :slight_smile:

I've decided to drop the syllable-based rhymes only at first, as they asked
for a pretty cumbersome pieces of code. After implementing and trying it
I've found that to my own taste _all_ types of rhymes described at
rhymer.com do not add enough to behavior to grant complications of code,
I've cleaned them out too :slight_smile:

My final solution is limited to perfect and identical rhymes only.
First two commented lines - commands to run before to make it work.
You can see this working at http://gamewords.herokugarden.com/

# wget http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/research/ilash/Moby/mpron.tar.Z
# tar zxvf mpron.tar.Z

$words = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k]=}
$rhymes = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k]=}

def perfect_key(pron)
key =
pron.reverse.each do |snd|
   key << snd
   break if snd =~ /1$/

def rhymes(word)
wup = word.upcase
$rhymes[perfect_key($words[wup])] - [wup]

File.open('mpron/cmudict0.3') {|f| f.readlines}.each do |l|
w, *pron = l.strip.split(' ')
next unless !w.empty? and w.grep(/[^A-Z]/).empty?
pron.map!{|sound| sound.sub(/2/,'1')}
$rhymes[perfect_key(pron)] << w

input = ARGV.empty? ? ['laughter', 'soaring', 'antelope'] : ARGV
print input.map{|w| w+': '+rhymes(w).map(&:downcase).join(',


Daniel Moore:

This is probably not the best overall solution to make code 1.9
compatible, but it does illustrate some of the differences between
Ruby versions. It appears as though the code was written for 1.8 but
with Facets or another library defining `Symbol#to_proc`.

shot@devielle:~$ ruby -v; irb --simple-prompt
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux]

Symbol.instance_methods.include? 'to_proc'

=> true

['DoWN', 'CaSe'].map &:downcase

=> ["down", "case"]

But yes, it definitely *does* illustrate
the differences between Ruby versions. :slight_smile:

— Shot


Nobody came to my trombone recital. I wish there was some
way to express how I feel right now. [Joshua Green Allen]