[QUIZ] Word Blender (#108)


I'm new to ruby and this is my first quiz entry, so
feel free to offer any feedback/suggestions etc.

Requires file english.txt (dicttionary) to be in same
dir as source.

Play is very basic as I've had to fit this in around
four young kids...
Enter a six letter word to progress to the next round
(another six letters), or as many smaller words as you
like to stay in the same round.



?class Game

  def initialize
    @short_words= []
    @long_words= []

  def get_dict
    puts "Reading File..."
    File.open("english.txt","r").each_line do |line|
      @short_words << line.downcase if
      @long_words << line.downcase if line.length== 6
    puts "Short words: " + @short_words.length.to_s
    puts "Six letter words: " +

  def start
    round_number= 0
    end while play_round(round_number+= 1)

  def create_targets
    @target_letters= @target_word.clone
    10.times do
      pos= rand(6)
      @target_letters[0,1], @target_letters[pos,1]=
@target_letters[pos,1], @target_letters[0,1]

  def letter_match?(guess, target)
    0.upto(guess.length-1) do |i|
      letter= guess[i,1]
      if target.include?(letter) then
      else return false
    return true

  def get_score(words_guessed, guess, target)
    points, round_end= 0, false
    if @short_words.include?(guess) ||
      if words_guessed.include?(guess)
        puts "You've used that word. No points this
        if letter_match?(guess, target)
          words_guessed << guess
          if guess.length==6
            puts "*** Well Done! You got the big one!
            points= 1
            round_end= true
            puts "Well done (+1 point)"
            points= 1
        else puts "I know that word, but it doesn't
use the right letters. No points."
    else puts "I don't know that word"
    return points, round_end

  def play_round(round_number)
    words_guessed= []
    quit= false
    puts "\n\n---Round Number #{round_number}---"
    puts "\nLetters are: #{@target_letters.upcase}"
      print "\n[#{@target_letters.upcase}]
Points:#{words_guessed.length}. Guess (<Q>uit)>"
      guess= gets.downcase.chomp
      quit= (guess== 'q')
      if quit then puts "Bye"
      else points, round_end= get_score(words_guessed,
guess, @target_letters.clone)
    end while not (round_end || quit)

    puts "You guessed #{words_guessed.sort.join(",
")}\nWord was #{@target_word}" if !quit
    return !quit
  end #play_round

end #class

game= Game.new

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I like it. Looks nice and clean. My only suggestion would be to prefer string interpolation to addition. For example:

"Short words: " + @short_words.length.to_s

Is simpler as:

"Short words: #{@short_words.length}"

Saves some to_s() calls at the very least.

James Edward Gray II


On Jan 11, 2007, at 3:37 PM, David and Sharon Phillips wrote:

I'm new to ruby and this is my first quiz entry, so
feel free to offer any feedback/suggestions etc.