[QUIZ] Bytecode Compiler (#100)

This is my first post to ruby-talk and my first stab at a ruby quiz! Hooray!
I used rparsec because I was too lazy to write a simple parser. And I used some cute monkey patching that I shouldn't have.
But it works!

require 'rparsec/rparsec'

class Fixnum def to_bytes
       if self >= -32768 && self <= 32767
           a = [0x01]
           a << ((self & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) a << ((self & 0x000000FF)) else
           a = [0x02] a << ((self & 0xFF000000) >> 24) a << ((self & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) a << ((self & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) a << ((self & 0x000000FF)) end
   end end class Symbol
   def to_bytes
       case self
       when :+
       when :-
       when :*
       when :**
       when :confused:
       when :%

   def to_proc
       proc { |x| x.send self }

class Array
   alias to_bytes to_a

class Compiler
   include Parsers
   include Functors
   def self.compile str
       new.parser.parse str

   def func sym
       proc { |x, y| [x,y,sym].map(&:to_bytes).flatten }

   def parser
       ops = OperatorTable.new do |t|
           t.infixl(char(?+) >> func(:+), 20)
           t.infixl(char(?-) >> func(:-), 20)
           t.infixl(char(?*) >> func(:*), 40)
           t.infixl(char(?/) >> func(:/), 40)
           t.infixl(char(?%) >> func(:%), 40)
           t.infixl(string('**') >> func(:**), 60)
           t.prefix(char(?-) >> Neg, 80)
       expr = nil
       term = integer.map(&To_i) | char('(') >> lazy{expr} << char(')')
       delim = whitespace.many_
       expr = delim >> Expressions.build(term, ops, delim)

Aaaargh formatting explosion! Here's that first bit all nice and unexploded.

class Fixnum def to_bytes
        if self >= -32768 && self <= 32767
            a = [0x01]
            a << ((self & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) a << ((self & 0x000000FF)) else
            a = [0x02] a << ((self & 0xFF000000) >> 24) a << ((self & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) a << ((self & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) a << ((self & 0x000000FF)) end
    end end

class Symbol
    def to_bytes
        case self
        when :+
        when :-
        when :*
        when :**
        when :confused:
        when :%

    def to_proc
        proc { |x| x.send self }

Here is my solution. I tried to keep it short and simple.
Unfortunately, it got a little more complicated when I added code to
pass Marcel's test cases. But now it can handle '--++-++-2+-2'....

module Compiler

  # The whole thing wrapped up into one function....


  # The first half tokenizes into single chars or fixnums: it uses gsub
  # to convert '**' to '^', binary '-'' to '~', and to remove pointless '+'s.
  # Digits and most remaining '-'s are collected and converted using to_i.
  # A few pesky unary '-'s are converted to the token 'n'
  # The second half uses the shunting yard algorithm to build the RPN,
  # and does the token->bytecode translation inline.
  # The Tokens array contains 4 items: the character token, the bytecode,
  # and two precedence values - one for a token on the stack,
  # and another for a token in the stream. The values are only different
  # if the operator is right-associative - this simplifies the conditional
  # for deciding when to pop operators.
  # The 'n' token is expanded to [0,swap,sub]

Tokens = [['+',10,3,3],['~',11,3,3],['*',12,2,2],['/',14,2,2],['%',15,2,2],

def self.compile expr

    if /\d|-/ =~ c=b.chr
      tokens << (/\d/=~num ? num.to_i : 'n') and num='' unless num.empty?
      tokens << c
  tokens << num.to_i unless num.empty?

    case token
      when Integer
        output += (-2**15...2**15)===token ?
          [1]+[token].pack('n').unpack('C*') :
      when '('
        stack << token
     when ')'
        output << stack.pop until stack.last == '('
        tokdef = Tokens.assoc(token)
        output << stack.pop while t=stack.last and Tokens.rassoc(t)[2]
<= tokdef[3]
        stack << tokdef[1]
