Question about digits

While playing a little with Ruby, I've been looking for a function
each_digit, or something similar, and I couldn't find any (standard
nor library). I think it'd be useful to have a function like that.
It's pretty simple to implement one for Integers

class Integer
    def each_digit(base = 10, &block)
        return if zero?
        (self/base).each_digit(base, &block)
        yield self % base

A first approach. Of course, it would be a little more complicated for
negatives and Floats, specially dealing with precision.

What do you think?

class Integer
    def each_digit(base=10)
        to_s( base ).each_byte{ |b| yield b.chr }
    end #def each_digit(base=10)



On 1/28/07, CHubas <> wrote:

While playing a little with Ruby, I've been looking for a function
each_digit, or something similar, and I couldn't find any (standard
nor library). I think it'd be useful to have a function like that.
It's pretty simple to implement one for Integers

class Integer
    def each_digit(base = 10, &block)
        return if zero?
        (self/base).each_digit(base, &block)
        yield self % base

A first approach. Of course, it would be a little more complicated for
negatives and Floats, specially dealing with precision.

What do you think?

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
- Alan Kay

Good. I'd expect each_digit to return strings though, since a digit is a symbol, not a number:

   class Integer
     def each_digit(base=10)
       abs.to_s(base).each_byte do |b|
         yield b.chr

-- fxn


On Jan 28, 2007, at 12:35 AM, CHubas wrote:

While playing a little with Ruby, I've been looking for a function
each_digit, or something similar, and I couldn't find any (standard
nor library). I think it'd be useful to have a function like that.
It's pretty simple to implement one for Integers

class Integer
    def each_digit(base = 10, &block)
        return if zero?
        (self/base).each_digit(base, &block)
        yield self % base

A first approach. Of course, it would be a little more complicated for
negatives and Floats, specially dealing with precision.

Why call them digits, if you can call them characters?

If you have got arbitrary_number, you got arbitrary_number.to_s so:


irb(main):001:0> arbitrary_number=123
=> 123
irb(main):002:0> arbitrary_number.to_s
=> "123"
irb(main):002:0> arbitrary_number.to_s.length
=> 3
irb(main):003:0> (0...arbitrary_number.to_s.length).map{|digit|
=> ["1","2","3"]

This above will do for base 10, and printf stuff may help with hex,
oct at least.

Remember it is '...' and not '..' so you don't access

Hope this may help you

> While playing a little with Ruby, I've been looking for a function
> each_digit, or something similar, and I couldn't find any (standard
> nor library). I think it'd be useful to have a function like that.
> It's pretty simple to implement one for Integers
> class Integer
> def each_digit(base = 10, &block)
> return if zero?
> (self/base).each_digit(base, &block)
> yield self % base
> end
> end
> A first approach. Of course, it would be a little more complicated for
> negatives and Floats, specially dealing with precision.

Good. I'd expect each_digit to return strings though, since a digit
is a symbol, not a number:

   class Integer
     def each_digit(base=10, want_sign=false)

           yield '-' if want_sign && self < 0 # to continue debugging
my code;)

       abs.to_s(base).each_byte do |b|


On 1/28/07, Xavier Noria <> wrote:

On Jan 28, 2007, at 12:35 AM, CHubas wrote:
         yield b.chr

-- fxn

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
- Alan Kay

Why call them digits, if you can call them characters?

If you have got arbitrary_number, you got arbitrary_number.to_s so:

[... snip]

This above will do for base 10, and printf stuff may help with hex,
oct at least.

Actually, Fixnum#to_s and Bignum#to_s takes optional arguments
specifying base, so to handle hex you'd do arbitrary_number.to_s(16)



On Jan 28, 12:10 am, "Fer#" <> wrote:

# irb(main):003:0> (0...arbitrary_number.to_s.length).map{|digit|
# arbitrary_number.to_s.split('')[digit]}
# => ["1","2","3"]

forgive my ignorance, but why are you splitting them and rebuilding back the array. I mean why not,

# arbitrary_number.to_s.split ''
# => ["1","2","3"]

and it works for signed and float too

# arbitrary_number=-123.45
=> -123.45
# arbitrary_number.to_s.split ''
=> ["-", "1", "2", "3", ".", "4", "5"]

kind regards -botp


From: Fer# [] :

that's what we did, yielding as was required, no?


On 1/29/07, Peña, Botp <> wrote:

From: Fer# [] :

# irb(main):003:0> (0...arbitrary_number.to_s.length).map{|digit|
# arbitrary_number.to_s.split('')[digit]}
# => ["1","2","3"]

forgive my ignorance, but why are you splitting them and rebuilding back
the array. I mean why not,

# arbitrary_number.to_s.split ''
# => ["1","2","3"]

and it works for signed and float too

# arbitrary_number=-123.45
=> -123.45
# arbitrary_number.to_s.split ''
=> ["-", "1", "2", "3", ".", "4", "5"]

kind regards -botp

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
- Alan Kay