QtRuby - Error

I new in the ruby world.
Sorry my english, i'm argentino and speak spanish.

My question is about QtRuby. Where can tutorials, Faq, Qt's Classes?.
Qt4 work with ruby or only Qt3?
I' design form with Qt4-designer and:

rbuic mainWindow.ui > mainWindow.rb


ggerman@comandante:~/Qt4/example$ cat mainWindow.rb
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'mainWindow.ui'
# Created: mar jul 17 08:28:32 2007
# by: The QtRuby User Interface Compiler (rbuic)
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
require 'Qt'
class MainWindow < Qt::MainWindow
    def initialize(parent = nil, name = nil, fl = WType_TopLevel)
        setCentralWidget(Qt::Widget.new(self, "qt_central_widget"))
        @Widget = Qt::Widget.new(centralWidget(), "Widget")
        @MenuBar.setProperty( "geometry", Qt::Variant.new(Qt::Rect.new(0, 0,
409, 29) ) )
        @StatusBar = Qt::StatusBar.new(centralWidget(), "StatusBar")
        resize( Qt::Size.new(409, 580).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) )
        clearWState( WState_Polished )
    # Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current
    # language.
    def languageChange()
        setProperty("windowTitle", Qt::Variant.new(trUtf8("MainWindow")))
    protected :languageChange
if $0 == __FILE__
    a = Qt::Application.new(ARGV)
    w = MainWindow.new
    a.mainWidget = w

mainWindow.rb:24:in `initialize': undefined method `setProperty' for
nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
        from mainWindow.rb:47:in `new'
        from mainWindow.rb:47

Thank you for you help.

"El mundo no está en peligro por las malas personas sino por las buenas
personas que permiten la maldad." Albert Einstein.
Star Wars: Episodio V - El imperio contraataca:
Ten cuidado de la ira, del miedo, de la agresividad. el Lado Oscuro ellos son.
Una vez que entras en el sendero Oscuro dominará tu destino para siempre.

rbuic mainWindow.ui > mainWindow.rb

You're mixing QtRuby versions here. The rbuic you are using is for QtRuby for Qt3.
You probably need to use rbuic4 (that's what it's called on my system).


It's working with rbuic4
Sorry my stupid question.

Thank you very much.


El Tuesday 17 July 2007 09:51:37 Caleb Tennis escribió:

> rbuic mainWindow.ui > mainWindow.rb

You're mixing QtRuby versions here. The rbuic you are using is for QtRuby
for Qt3. You probably need to use rbuic4 (that's what it's called on my


"El mundo no está en peligro por las malas personas sino por las buenas
personas que permiten la maldad." Albert Einstein.
Star Wars: Episodio V - El imperio contraataca:
Ten cuidado de la ira, del miedo, de la agresividad. el Lado Oscuro ellos son.
Una vez que entras en el sendero Oscuro dominará tu destino para siempre.