QtRuby 1.4.7
Ruby bindings for the Qt4 GUI apis. Many fixes and
improvements. QtDBus now works.
Highlights from the QtRuby ChangeLog since release 1.4.7:
* Support for Qt 4.2 final
* The Qt4 version of QtRuby can be installed at the same time as
the Qt3 version.
* Use:
- require 'Qt3'
- require 'Qt4'
- require 'Qt'
The last option will default to Qt4 QtRuby.
* The command line api introspection tool can be used to query
both Qt3 and Qt4 apis:
- rbqt3api
- rbqt4api
- rbqtapi
Again the last option will default to the Qt4 api for QtRuby
* The 'rbuic' tool has been renamed 'rbuic4' to avoid a clash with
the Qt3 one.
* The Qt3 and Qt4 versions of the Smoke library have different
versions and can be installed in the same directory
* Added the rbrcc Ruby resource compiler tool
* Optional support for the QtDbus classes, and Qt QDBus examples
ported to ruby
* Optional support for the Qwt plotting library
* Blocks can be used as targets for connect calls as well as ordinary
* Added a new variant of connect, which takes a SIGNAL as an
argument, along with a block. For example:
quit.connect(SIGNAL(:clicked)) { puts 'quit pressed' }
The block is called in the context of where the connect call was
made, and 'self' needn't be a Qt::Object. It is similar to
signal_connect() method in ruby-gnome. This was suggested by
rickdangerous on the #qtruby irc channel.
* Here is an example of the class method connect() call with a block
as a target:
app = Qt::Application.new(ARGV)
quit = Qt::PushButton.new('Quit')
Qt::Object.connect(quit, SIGNAL('clicked()'), app) do
puts 'quit clicked'
The block is executed in the context of the target instance,
'app' in this case.
* And the instance method form:
class MyButton < Qt::Button
def initialize(text)
connect(self, SIGNAL(:clicked)) do
puts 'button clicked'
The block is executed in the context of self - the instance making
the connect() call.
See the qtruby/INSTALL file for details of configuration, building
and installation.
* The smoke library can be built on windows by manually editing
qtguess.pl.in and generate.pl.in (automake doesn't work with
qtruby on Windows). Run 'perl qtguess.pl' to for the configure
tests. Then run 'perl generate.pl' to generate the Smoke sources,
and build with qmake. Use extconf.rb and qmake to build the
qtruby extension and rbuic tool.
Linux, BSD*, Unix etc
Mac OS X, Windows
Richard Dale with Caleb Tennis, Alexander Kellett and others.
Special thanks to kelko and rickdangerous for suggesting how
to implment 'blocks as slots' for this release.