This is an odd problem, I admit. I'm currently working on a short script
to sort a set of JPEGs by size, but right now I'm just trying to move
them from point A to point B (I'm still learning Ruby, so I do this to
try and figure things out before getting into the big stuff), and so far
I have gotten so far as:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -wd
require "RMagick"
require "fileutils"
for pix in Dir.glob("*.{jpeg,jpg,png}")
filetype = Magick::Image::read(pix).first.format
workdir = Dir.pwd
If then
FileUtils.move("#{pix}", "#{workdir}/#{filetype}")
FileUtils.move("#{pix}", "#{workdir}/#{filetype}")
The error I keep getting these error messages:
Exception 'Errno::ENOENT' at /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:1420 - no
such file or directory - <insert pathname to where jpg is being moved
Exception 'Errno::ENOENT' at /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:1200 - no
such file or directory - <insert pathname to where jpg is being moved
for every file. These errors come, while the file is STILL moved. I'm
not sure what the error is, but its a noisy one (testdir I made for
trying this out has ~1900 files in it).
Any clue as to the problem?