Odd Error in FileUtils with move and ENOENT

Note quite sure what the cause of this is but if I use the File.move code below I get no errors, but if I use the commented out FileUtils line then I get a whole serious of errors like this:

Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at /home/cec/s/c/cc1/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:860 - No such file or directory - /.autofs/home/grader/cse425gr/hw2/q9.scm

where hw2/q9.scm is where I am trying to move the directory entry d to, so obviously it doesn't exist. I tried wrapping it in a begin/rescue as well but it doesn't seem to allow that as they appear to be jumping straight out of fileutils. Any idea on how to avoid this error output?

      # pull directory up
             dir = Dir["*"].shift
             if !dir.nil? && FileTest.directory?(dir)
               pwd = FileUtils.pwd
               FileUtils.cd(dir) do
                 Dir["*"].each {|d| File.move d, ".."}
               #FileUtils.move Dir[dir+"/*"], Dir.pwd
               FileUtils.rm_rf dir

All I am trying to do is pull everything in a subdirectory up to the directory above it, so any other suggestions that would fix that problem would be appreciated.

In both cases the file does copy as it is supposed to, it just pukes all of my screen doing it using fileutils.
  Charles Comstock