Hi all,
Win2k Pro
Ruby 1.8 (latest Win32 installer)
quixml 0.2.1
expat 1.95.6
I’m having some trouble building quixml on my Win2k
box, and I’m wondering if it’s an mkmf issue.
I installed expat in c:\expat-1.95.6 (using the
windows installer for expat). No problem. The
expat.h (and other source files) are located in
I verified that there’s a “dir_config ‘quixml’” -
there is. So, I tried this:
ruby extconf.rb
–with-quixml-dir=c:/expat-1.95.6/source. That didn’t
work. Looking at the mkmf.log file I see this:
BEGIN mkmf.log
have_header: checking for expat.h…
cl -Ic:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32
-Ic:/expat-1.95.6/source/include -I. -I./…
-I./…/missing -MD -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6 -P conftest.c
Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version
12.00.8168 for 80x86
Copyright © Microsoft Corp 1984-1998. All rights
conftest.c(1) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include
file: ‘expat.h’: No such file or directory
checked program was:
/* begin /
#include <expat.h>
/ end */
-------------------- no
END mkmf.log
It seems to be looking in source/include but not
source/lib for some reason. What is the problem?
I realize I could try renaming “lib” to “include” to
solve this but I’m feeling stubborn this evening. All
help appreciated.
PS - I noticed that extconf.rb does not like
backslashes in directory names, e.g.
–with-quixml-dir=c:\expat-1.95.6\source. I had to
use ‘\’ to get that to work properly. Is that proper behavior?
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I installed expat in c:\expat-1.95.6 (using the
windows installer for expat). No problem. The
expat.h (and other source files) are located in
I verified that there’s a “dir_config ‘quixml’” -
there is. So, I tried this:
ruby extconf.rb
–with-quixml-dir=c:/expat-1.95.6/source. That didn’t
work. Looking at the mkmf.log file I see this:
Use --with-quixml-include=c:/expat-1.95.6/source/lib and
mkmf.rb expects headers are placed in “include” and libraries
are in “lib” respectively.
PS - I noticed that extconf.rb does not like
backslashes in directory names, e.g.
–with-quixml-dir=c:\expat-1.95.6\source. I had to
use ‘\’ to get that to work properly. Is that proper behavior?
Yes, \ is used to escape meta-characters, e.g. space.
At Tue, 2 Sep 2003 13:29:04 +0900, Daniel Berger wrote:
Nobu Nakada
Thanks for the quick reply Nobu. I will fold this information into the
README shortly.
Sean O'Dell
nobu.nokada@softhome.net wrote:
At Tue, 2 Sep 2003 13:29:04 +0900, > Daniel Berger wrote:
I installed expat in c:\expat-1.95.6 (using the
windows installer for expat). No problem. The
expat.h (and other source files) are located in
I verified that there’s a “dir_config ‘quixml’” -
there is. So, I tried this:
ruby extconf.rb
–with-quixml-dir=c:/expat-1.95.6/source. That didn’t
work. Looking at the mkmf.log file I see this:
Use --with-quixml-include=c:/expat-1.95.6/source/lib and
mkmf.rb expects headers are placed in “include” and libraries
are in “lib” respectively.
PS - I noticed that extconf.rb does not like
backslashes in directory names, e.g.
–with-quixml-dir=c:\expat-1.95.6\source. I had to
use ‘\’ to get that to work properly. Is that proper behavior?
Yes, \ is used to escape meta-characters, e.g. space.