I cant seem to find any substantial docs on the net for mkmf..
i'm trying to create a new C routine, but my compiler is mingw
yet mkmf/extconf keeps generating a Makefile for use with
cl.exe (microsoft compiler)...
how do I tell mkmf in extconf to use mingw instead of microsoft
compiler cl.exe ....... ???
the other thing is, how do I tell mkmf to include only certain
..c files rather than *.c? (or the inverse, what not to include?)
I have support files for unix/win32, and one cant be compiled
on the other (and shouldnt)..
but mkmf has just globbed *.c on me.. which is fine except for
1 or 2 files!!
so everyone downloading the 1click installer on windows
needs the exact same setup as those who built the installer
if they want to build anything... be it custom extensions or
just building gem's (ncurses is a nice example of this)...
it just means mkmf is kinda borked because it ASSUMES too much.
so everyone downloading the 1click installer on windows
needs the exact same setup as those who built the installer
if they want to build anything... be it custom extensions or
just building gem's (ncurses is a nice example of this)...
it just means mkmf is kinda borked because it ASSUMES too much.
1click installer and mingw build extensions should be binary
compatible. However cygwin build extensions might cause troubles.
I think it would be good idea that, Mkmf.rb could warn if it finds
that different compiler is used to build extensions.
At Mon, 6 Dec 2004 00:12:42 +0900,
Ville Mattila wrote in [ruby-talk:122592]:
>> I think it would be good idea that, Mkmf.rb could warn if it finds
>> that different compiler is used to build extensions.
> mkmf.rb just uses specified compiler, or how can it know what
> it should call?
What I meant that mkmf could warn, if the current compiler differs with
rbconfig['CC'] compiler.
Config::CONFIG['CC'] in rbconfig.rb is the current compiler.
There is nothing else.
What I meant that mkmf could warn, if the current compiler differs with
rbconfig['CC'] compiler.
Config::CONFIG['CC'] in rbconfig.rb is the current compiler.
There is nothing else.
Oops, I just read the Guy's example again. You are right. Sorry
about the confusion. How about adding RUBY_CC that tells the complier
that was used to compiler ruby binary?