I kept hearing you guys talking about pickaxe, I tried to search it in
google, it seems not related to ruby? Could you give me a URL or some
hints? Thanks a lot
I kept hearing you guys talking about pickaxe, I tried to search it in
google, it seems not related to ruby? Could you give me a URL or some
hints? Thanks a lot
I kept hearing you guys talking about pickaxe, I tried to search it in
google, it seems not related to ruby? Could you give me a URL or some
hints? Thanks a lotShannon
I’ll give you a hint. See the document “Things Newcomers to Ruby Should Know”
(or similar - we’ve got to shorten that title!), recently posted to the list.
From: “Shannon Fang” xrfang@hotmail.com
I’ll give you a hint. See the document “Things Newcomers to Ruby Should Know”
(or similar - we’ve got to shorten that title!), recently posted to the list.
Maybe I’m just being stupid today, but I couldn’t find any reference to
pickaxe in this document (even using ‘grep’).
I’m under the vague impression that pickaxe is the book “Programming
Though I really can’t fanthom why it’s called ‘pickaxe’ or how we are
supposed to know that this is it.
Hi –
On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Daniel Carrera wrote:
I’ll give you a hint. See the document “Things Newcomers to Ruby Should Know”
(or similar - we’ve got to shorten that title!), recently posted to the list.Maybe I’m just being stupid today, but I couldn’t find any reference to
pickaxe in this document (even using ‘grep’).I’m under the vague impression that pickaxe is the book “Programming
Though I really can’t fanthom why it’s called ‘pickaxe’ or how we are
supposed to know that this is it.
It has a pickaxe on the cover (print version, at least). Learning
this is one of the Ruby rites of passage
David Alan Black
home: dblack@candle.superlink.net
work: blackdav@shu.edu
Web: http://pirate.shu.edu/~blackdav
This vague impression is correct.
It’s called the Pickaxe because the print version has a picture
of a pickaxe and some (raw?) rubies… this is a long-standing
tradition in the computer world, dating back at least as far
as the Dragon Book on compilers (Aho, Sethis, and Ullmann, I
As for how you know: This should be in the FAQ and/or the
newcomers’ list of questions. It’s just a slang expression
that you pick up as you hang out here.
I made a half-serious attempt to hang the nickname “Coral Book”
on The Ruby Way, for no particular reason except that
nicknames are kinda cool. It didn’t work, probably for two
good reasons: 1. These things Happen, they aren’t Planned.
2. If you don’t already know it’s coral, you probably wouldn’t
guess. The exact species of coral is apparently some kind
of dendronephthya, but I never felt “the Dendronephthya Book”
had a ring to it.
----- Original Message -----
From: “Daniel Carrera” dcarrera@math.umd.edu
To: “ruby-talk ML” ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: pickaxe
I’m under the vague impression that pickaxe is the book “Programming
Though I really can’t fanthom why it’s called ‘pickaxe’ or how we are
supposed to know that this is it.
It has a pickaxe on the cover (print version, at least). Learning
this is one of the Ruby rites of passage
<dawning_comprehension> OOOOhhhhhh! </>
Now I get it. On-line the background depics pickaxe.
At least I figured what book it was, even if I didn’t realize why.