
Hi all! Please, help me to choose the best library for general OpenGL
programming with Ruby...

Hi all! Please, help me to choose the best library for general OpenGL
programming with Ruby...

It depends on your purpose. If you just want straight OpenGL, the
ruby-opengl gem works nicely. If you want SDL, there's a gem for that, too.
If you want something that magically makes you capable of building a
first-person shooter game engine, you need some books and experience rather
than software.




On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 02:10:04AM +0900, ul wrote:

Hi all! Please, help me to choose the best library for general OpenGL
programming with Ruby...

gem install ruby-opengl

( )

    ^^^ Note, the project description lists Environment as Mac OS X / X11,
        but it should also work on Windows.

Hope this helps,



From: "ul" <>