Obtaining Hal's "The Ruby Way" in the UK

Tried ordering "The Ruby Way" from Amazon, but after 6 weeks they have
come back and told me they are unable to get hold of a copy.

2nd hand prices are silly money.

Is it out of print, or does anybody know where I can get hold of a
copy (pref from the UK).




All the best
Aylesbury, UK

I bought mine used off eBay for something like $10 US. This is a great
book, as it builds upon what I had already learned from Sam's
Publishing "Ruby in 21 Days" and Pickaxe I. "The Ruby Way" is a great
reference for practical everyday applications of Ruby in action.

Awhile back I read that the Practical Programmer folks are going to
release new/updated Ruby titles. Definitely looking forward to this
seeing some of my Ruby bookshelf is getting long in the tooth (e.g. -
"Ruby in a Nutshell). Of course that's nothing compared to some of my
Smalltalk reference material like "Smalltalk-80: The Language", which
is about 16 years old.