First Ruby Program

I thought I would try my hand at a ruby program. I am a C++/perl programmer, but have really been impressed with ruby. I picked the latest ruby quiz (the scheduling problem). It was challenging, but I have a solution. I thought I would share my solution in the hopes that people would comment on things like style and alternative ways to do things in a more ruby-ish fashion.

Before I begin I would like to say that there were two things that bit me over and over again. The first was that !0 == false. This is just unintuitive to me as a C++/Perl programmer and was very frustrating. The second was the need to clone to avoid references to the same object. Once again, this was unintuitive to me. However, I don't see those hurdles as being too big.

Ok, here is my solution.

#First, I define a day class. This class has only singleton objects for sunday through saturday. It also defines an #order amongst days.

class Day
   def initialize( name, idx )
     @name = name
     @idx = idx
   def to_s
   def to_i
   def <=>( other )
     return self.to_i <=> other.to_i
   @@days = [ new("Sunday", 0), new( "Monday", 1),
                      new("Tuesday", 2), new("Wednesday", 3),
                      new("Thursday", 4), new("Friday", 5),
                      new("Saturday", 6) ]
   def self.sunday
   def self.monday
   def self.tuesday
   def self.wednesday
   def self.thursday
   def self.friday
   def self.saturday
   private_class_method :new
   include Comparable

# Next I define some useful constants

WEEKDAYS = [Day.monday, Day.tuesday, Day.wednesday, Day.thursday, Day.friday]
WEEKEND = [Day.sunday, Day.saturday]
MWF = [Day.monday, Day.wednesday, Day.friday]
TR = [Day.tuesday, Day.thursday]

# Now, I define a class to do work hours. I use military time so I don't have to deal with AM/PM problems
class WorkHours
   include Comparable
   def initialize( days, start_time, stop_time )
     @days = days.sort { |a,b| a.to_i <=> b.to_i }
     @start_time = start_time
     @stop_time = stop_time
   def include?( hour )
     hour.start_time >= @start_time and
     hour.stop_time <= @stop_time and
     (hour.days & @days).length == hour.days.length
   def to_s
     "[" + { |val| val.to_s }.join(',') + "]" +
     format_time(start_time) + "-" + format_time(stop_time)
   def <=>( other )
      for arr in
         return -1 if !arr[0]
         return 1 if !arr[1]
         val = arr[0] <=> arr[1] ||
                 @start_time <=> other.start_time ||
                 @stop_time <=> other.stop_time
         return val unless
      return 0
   attr_reader :days, :start_time, :stop_time
   def format_time( time )
     hour = time / 100
     minutes = time % 100
     sprintf( "%0.2d", hour ) + ":" + sprintf( "%0.2d", minutes )

#Now a class to represent the worker
INVALID_SCORE = -1000000
class Worker
   @@default_scores = { :preferred_scalar => 3,
                                    :non_preferred_scalar => 0,
                                    :exact_time_scalar => 1,
                                    :am_pm_scalar => 0,
                                    :time_change_scalar => -1 }
   def initialize( preferred_hours, impossible_hours, scores = {} )
      @preferred_hours = preferred_hours
      @impossible_hours = impossible_hours
      @assigned = []
      @scores = @@default_scores.merge( scores )
   def preferred?( hours )
      @preferred_hours.include?( hours )
   def impossible?( hours )
      @impossible_hours.include?( hours )
   def available?( hours )
      !impossible?( hours ) and !assigned?( hours )
   def assign( hours )
      hours = [hours] unless hours.class == Array
      for hour in hours
         raise "Already working!" unless available?( hour )
      @assigned.concat( hours )
   def assigned?( hours )
      !(@assigned.find { |obj| obj.include?( hours ) }).nil?
   def clear_assigned_hours
      @assigned = []
   def clone
      obj = @preferred_hours, @impossible_hours, @scores )
      obj.assigned = @assigned.clone
   # a worker's happiness is dependent on whether he is working his preferred hours, or similar hours across all days, etc... The scores are configurable from the constructor
   def happiness
      preferred_hours = ( { |obj| @preferred_hours.include?(obj) })
      total_count = @assigned.inject(0) { |memo, obj| memo + obj.days.length }
      preferred_count = preferred_hours.inject(0) { |memo, obj| memo + obj.days.length }
      preferred_score = preferred_count * @scores[:preferred_scalar]
      non_preferred_score = (total_count - preferred_count) * @scores[:non_preferred_scalar]
      start_time_hash =
      @assigned.each do |obj|
          start_time_hash[obj.start_time] += obj.days.length
      exact = 0
      am_count = 0
      pm_count = 0
      start_time_hash.each_pair do | key, val |
         if( val > 1 )
            exact += val
            key < 1200 ? am_count += val : pm_count += val
      preferred_score + non_preferred_score +
         (exact * @scores[:exact_time_scalar]) +
         ((start_time_hash.length - 1) * @scores[:time_change_scalar]) +
         ((am_count + pm_count) * @scores[:am_pm_scalar])
    attr_reader :preferred_hours, :impossible_hours
    attr_accessor :assigned
    protected :assigned=

#Finally a manager class to schedule the workers
class Manager
   def initialize( workers )
      @workers = workers
   # run through all legal scheduling permutations and remember the maximum score...yes, this is inefficient!
   def schedule_helper( hours, debug = false )
      return [calc_happiness, all_assigned] if hours.length == 0
      max_score = INVALID_SCORE
      max_assigned = nil
      for hour in hours
         for worker in @workers.find_all { |obj| obj.available?( hour ) }
            assign_hour_transaction(worker, hour) do
               (score,assigned) = schedule_helper(remove_hour(hours, hour), debug)
               (max_score, max_assigned) = [score, assigned] if score > max_score
      [max_score, max_assigned]
   def schedule( hours, debug = false )
      (score, assigned) = schedule_helper( hours, debug )
      if( score == INVALID_SCORE )
         raise "Unable to schedule work hours."
      end assigned ) do |worker, hours|
         worker.assign( hours )
   def print_schedule
      idx = 0
      for w in @workers
         print "#{idx}:\n"
         print w.assigned.join("\n")
   attr_reader :workers
   def calc_happiness
      return @workers.inject(0) { |memo, val| memo + val.happiness }
   def all_assigned
      @workers.collect { |obj| obj.assigned.clone() }
   def debug_print( ary )
      @workers.each_index do | idx |
         print "worker[#{idx}] is assigned\n"
         for hour in ary
            print "\t #{hour[0].to_s}\n"
   def remove_hour( hours, hour )
      temp =hours.clone
      temp.delete_at( temp.index(hour) )
   def assign_hour_transaction( worker, hour )
      saved_assign = worker.assigned.clone

# Here are some test cases
class TestManager < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
  @ph1 = WEEKDAYS, 800, 1800 )
  @ih1 = WEEKEND, 0, 2399 )
  @nph1 = MWF, 200, 500 )
  @nph2 = TR, 200, 500 )
  @worker = @ph1, @ih1 )
  @worker2 = @ih1, @ph1 )
  @worker3 = [], [] )
  @manager = [@worker] )
  @manager2 = [@worker, @worker2] )
  @manager3 = [@worker3, @worker, @worker2] )
def testPreferredSchedule
  @manager.schedule( [@ph1] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @ph1 ) )
def testNoSchedule
  assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @manager.schedule( [@ih1] ) }
def testPreferredSchedule2
  @manager2.schedule( [@ph1,@ih1] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @ph1 ) )
  assert( @worker2.assigned?( @ih1 ) )
def testNonPreferredSchedule
  @manager2.schedule( [@nph1, @nph2] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @nph1 ) )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
  assert( !@worker2.assigned?( @nph1 ) )
  assert( !@worker2.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
def testDoubleOccupancy
  @manager2.schedule( [@nph1, @nph1, @nph2, @nph2] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @nph1 ) )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
  assert( @worker2.assigned?( @nph1 ) )
  assert( @worker2.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
def testPreferredAndNonPreferred
  @manager3.schedule( [@ph1,@nph2] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @ph1 ) )
  assert( @worker3.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
  assert( !@worker2.assigned <mailto:!@worker2.assigned> ?( @ph1 ) )
  assert( !@worker3.assigned?( @ph1 ) )


Thanks for any comments you may make!


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I thought I would try my hand at a ruby program. I am a C++/perl programmer, but have really been impressed with ruby.


I picked the latest ruby quiz (the scheduling problem).

Glad to hear somebody got some use out of that one. :slight_smile:

I thought I would share my solution in the hopes that people would comment on things like style and alternative ways to do things in a more ruby-ish fashion.

First, some my general comment about the code, then I'll try to show what I mean. Dave Thomas says in one of his Ruby books (talking about some example code), "...and it's even less code, which is how you know it's right." On the whole, that's what jumps out at me from this solution.

My advice: Write less code. :wink:

#First, I define a day class. This class has only singleton objects for sunday through saturday. It also defines an #order amongst days.

I'll try to alter this one class to see if I can't put you on the right track...

class Day
   def initialize( name, idx )
     @name = name
     @idx = idx
   def to_s
   def to_i
   def <=>( other )
     return self.to_i <=> other.to_i
   @@days = [ new("Sunday", 0), new( "Monday", 1),
                      new("Tuesday", 2), new("Wednesday", 3),
                      new("Thursday", 4), new("Friday", 5),
                      new("Saturday", 6) ]
   def self.sunday
   def self.monday
   def self.tuesday
   def self.wednesday
   def self.thursday
   def self.friday
   def self.saturday
   private_class_method :new
   include Comparable

Here's my version that does the same thing:

class Day
    @@days = %w{Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday}
    @@days.each do |day|
       class_eval "def self.#{day.downcase}; new('#{day}'); end"

    def initialize( name )
      @name = name
    private_class_method :new

    def to_s
    def to_i

    def <=>( other )
      return self.to_i <=> other.to_i
    include Comparable

Below I'll just make some general comments...

# Next I define some useful constants

WEEKDAYS = [Day.monday, Day.tuesday, Day.wednesday, Day.thursday, Day.friday]
WEEKEND = [Day.sunday, Day.saturday]
MWF = [Day.monday, Day.wednesday, Day.friday]
TR = [Day.tuesday, Day.thursday]

Do these make more sense inside the Day class?

# Now, I define a class to do work hours. I use military time so I don't have to deal with AM/PM problems
class WorkHours
   include Comparable
   def initialize( days, start_time, stop_time )
     @days = days.sort { |a,b| a.to_i <=> b.to_i }

@days = days.sort_by { |d| d.to_i }

     @start_time = start_time
     @stop_time = stop_time
   def include?( hour )
     hour.start_time >= @start_time and
     hour.stop_time <= @stop_time and
     (hour.days & @days).length == hour.days.length
   def to_s
     "[" + { |val| val.to_s }.join(',') + "]" +
     format_time(start_time) + "-" + format_time(stop_time)

In Ruby, prefer interpolation to concatenation:


   def <=>( other )
      for arr in
         return -1 if !arr[0]
         return 1 if !arr[1]
         val = arr[0] <=> arr[1] ||
                 @start_time <=> other.start_time ||
                 @stop_time <=> other.stop_time
         return val unless
      return 0

This method is bugging me. <laughs> Ruby should be pretty. I can't even tell what it's doing. <=>() return -1, 0, or 1, so a trailing

has now meaning. (They're all true.)

What are we trying to do here compare start_time, stop_time, and days? How about this:

def <=>( other )
     [@start_time, @stop_time, @days] <=> [other.start_time, other.stop_time, other.days]

   attr_reader :days, :start_time, :stop_time
   def format_time( time )
     hour = time / 100
     minutes = time % 100
     sprintf( "%0.2d", hour ) + ":" + sprintf( "%0.2d", minutes )

sprintf("%0.2d:%0.2d", hour, minutes)


#Now a class to represent the worker
INVALID_SCORE = -1000000
class Worker
   @@default_scores = { :preferred_scalar => 3,
                                    :non_preferred_scalar => 0,
                                    :exact_time_scalar => 1,
                                    :am_pm_scalar => 0,
                                    :time_change_scalar => -1 }

It's not immediately obvious to me what the above values stand for.

   def initialize( preferred_hours, impossible_hours, scores = {} )
      @preferred_hours = preferred_hours
      @impossible_hours = impossible_hours
      @assigned =
      @scores = @@default_scores.merge( scores )
   def preferred?( hours )
      @preferred_hours.include?( hours )
   def impossible?( hours )
      @impossible_hours.include?( hours )
   def available?( hours )
      !impossible?( hours ) and !assigned?( hours )
   def assign( hours )
      hours = [hours] unless hours.class == Array
      for hour in hours
         raise "Already working!" unless available?( hour )
      @assigned.concat( hours )
   def assigned?( hours )
      !(@assigned.find { |obj| obj.include?( hours ) }).nil?
   def clear_assigned_hours
      @assigned =
   def clone
      obj = @preferred_hours, @impossible_hours, @scores )
      obj.assigned = @assigned.clone
   # a worker's happiness is dependent on whether he is working his preferred hours, or similar hours across all days, etc... The scores are configurable from the constructor
   def happiness
      preferred_hours = ( { |obj| @preferred_hours.include?(obj) })
      total_count = @assigned.inject(0) { |memo, obj| memo + obj.days.length }
      preferred_count = preferred_hours.inject(0) { |memo, obj| memo + obj.days.length }
      preferred_score = preferred_count * @scores[:preferred_scalar]
      non_preferred_score = (total_count - preferred_count) * @scores[:non_preferred_scalar]
      start_time_hash =
      @assigned.each do |obj|
          start_time_hash[obj.start_time] += obj.days.length
      exact = 0
      am_count = 0
      pm_count = 0
      start_time_hash.each_pair do | key, val |
         if( val > 1 )
            exact += val
            key < 1200 ? am_count += val : pm_count += val
      preferred_score + non_preferred_score +
         (exact * @scores[:exact_time_scalar]) +
         ((start_time_hash.length - 1) * @scores[:time_change_scalar]) +
         ((am_count + pm_count) * @scores[:am_pm_scalar])
    attr_reader :preferred_hours, :impossible_hours
    attr_accessor :assigned
    protected :assigned=

That methods is too long! <laughs> Try breaking it up into small concise chunks. I should be able to tell what's going on at a glance.

#Finally a manager class to schedule the workers
class Manager
   def initialize( workers )
      @workers = workers
   # run through all legal scheduling permutations and remember the maximum score...yes, this is inefficient!
   def schedule_helper( hours, debug = false )
      return [calc_happiness, all_assigned] if hours.length == 0
      max_score = INVALID_SCORE
      max_assigned = nil
      for hour in hours
         for worker in @workers.find_all { |obj| obj.available?( hour ) }
            assign_hour_transaction(worker, hour) do
               (score,assigned) = schedule_helper(remove_hour(hours, hour), debug)
               (max_score, max_assigned) = [score, assigned] if score > max_score
      [max_score, max_assigned]
   def schedule( hours, debug = false )
      (score, assigned) = schedule_helper( hours, debug )
      if( score == INVALID_SCORE )
         raise "Unable to schedule work hours."
      end assigned ) do |worker, hours|
         worker.assign( hours )
   def print_schedule
      idx = 0
      for w in @workers
         print "#{idx}:\n"
         print w.assigned.join("\n")

Are those indexes suppose to be going up?

@workers.each_with_index |w, idx|
     puts "#{idx}:"
     puts w.assigned.join("\n")

   attr_reader :workers
   def calc_happiness
      return @workers.inject(0) { |memo, val| memo + val.happiness }
   def all_assigned
      @workers.collect { |obj| obj.assigned.clone() }
   def debug_print( ary )
      @workers.each_index do | idx |
         print "worker[#{idx}] is assigned\n"
         for hour in ary
            print "\t #{hour[0].to_s}\n"
   def remove_hour( hours, hour )
      temp =hours.clone
      temp.delete_at( temp.index(hour) )
   def assign_hour_transaction( worker, hour )
      saved_assign = worker.assigned.clone

Somethings not right in the above method. Too much busy work. That's the sign of a problem. I would look for a way to attack these operations non-destructively so you can do away with the clone-and-remove dance.


# Here are some test cases
class TestManager < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
  @ph1 = WEEKDAYS, 800, 1800 )
  @ih1 = WEEKEND, 0, 2399 )
  @nph1 = MWF, 200, 500 )
  @nph2 = TR, 200, 500 )
  @worker = @ph1, @ih1 )
  @worker2 = @ih1, @ph1 )
  @worker3 = , )
  @manager = [@worker] )
  @manager2 = [@worker, @worker2] )
  @manager3 = [@worker3, @worker, @worker2] )
def testPreferredSchedule
  @manager.schedule( [@ph1] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @ph1 ) )
def testNoSchedule
  assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @manager.schedule( [@ih1] ) }
def testPreferredSchedule2
  @manager2.schedule( [@ph1,@ih1] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @ph1 ) )
  assert( @worker2.assigned?( @ih1 ) )
def testNonPreferredSchedule
  @manager2.schedule( [@nph1, @nph2] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @nph1 ) )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
  assert( !@worker2.assigned?( @nph1 ) )
  assert( !@worker2.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
def testDoubleOccupancy
  @manager2.schedule( [@nph1, @nph1, @nph2, @nph2] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @nph1 ) )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
  assert( @worker2.assigned?( @nph1 ) )
  assert( @worker2.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
def testPreferredAndNonPreferred
  @manager3.schedule( [@ph1,@nph2] )
  assert( @worker.assigned?( @ph1 ) )
  assert( @worker3.assigned?( @nph2 ) )
  assert( !@worker2.assigned <mailto:!@worker2.assigned> ?( @ph1 ) )

Syntax Error.

  assert( !@worker3.assigned?( @ph1 ) )


Hopefully that gives you some ideas for refinement.

Again, welcome to Ruby!

James Edward Gray II


On Aug 18, 2005, at 11:42 AM, Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs wrote:

a couple disconnectd observes:

the best thing to smooth perl > ruby conversion is Hal Fulton's purple
"Ruby Way" book. There's a direct language comparison and a "gotcha

some other resources:

i think the best thing to smooth perl > ruby conversion is the chapter
in the back of Hal Fulton "Ruby Way" the compares 2 languages. Also,
around page 48, there's sort of a ruby gotcha list

Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs wrote:

Before I begin I would like to say that there were two things that
me over and over again. The first was that !0 == false. This is just
unintuitive to me as a C++/Perl programmer and was very frustrating.

> The second was the need to clone to avoid references to the same object.

Once again, this was unintuitive to me.

I used to think the same. However, I eventually decided Ruby does the right thing. My logic is as follows:

- Perl sidesteps the issue (mostly) by using sigils, so that references vs values are always visibly different. Given that Ruby doesn't use sigils, let's consider the three options: everything's a reference, everything's a value, or 'it depends'.

- Option 1: Everything by value. This doesn't work, because it's very inefficient when passing objects as function arguments.

- Option 2: "It depends". Java does this. I find it incredibly irritating, because it means I have to remember which types are passed by value, and which are passed by reference, and code accordingly. The "it depends" style of behavior then ends up being extended to other parts of the language--for example, '+' dereferences its arguments if they're references to strings, but not if they're references to integers. If you take some code written to perform a calculation on ints, and use it to calculate the same thing for complex values, it may not work, or may overwrite your variables. "It depends" also makes polymorphism harder. So, I don't like that option.

- Hence by a process of elimination, the best option is Option 3: Everything by reference.

(Actually, there's one more option: don't have imperative variables. If you like that, try ML.)

The information contained in this communication is confidential, is
intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally

Yeah, right.



          WE HAVE TACOS