Net/http: using cookies

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to post a form to a site using net/http. I think it works,
I'm not sure, but does net/http store cookies? Because I think that's
the problem: loggin in isn't very hard, but the cookies aren't stored.
Does anyone know of a way to do that?


Best regards,
Chris Eidhof

From a library I use at work ...

  def login(username, password, domain = nil)
        path = 'Login'
        data = %Q{<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        data << %Q{<domain><![CDATA[#{domain}]]></domain>\n} if domain
        data << %Q{</authorization>\n}
        resp = post(path, data)
        raise "DocuShare login failed" if resp.code != "200"
        @headers["cookie"] = resp["set-cookie"]



On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 04:41, Chris Eidhof wrote:

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to post a form to a site using net/http. I think it works,
I'm not sure, but does net/http store cookies? Because I think that's
the problem: loggin in isn't very hard, but the cookies aren't stored.
Does anyone know of a way to do that?