I am having a strange problem and it is partly due to my poor understanding of cookies. So any help is greatly appreciated.
I am trying to navigate through a site which requires that I provide them with the cookies they send me. I am having some trouble here. I am grabbing the 'set-cookie' header they send back to me and storing each cookie in a hash like: cookies[name] = value. Here is the code I wrote for that:
def parse_cookie(set_cookie)
# Attempt to pull out SID, BID, CID
@cookies ||= {}
['SID', 'BID', 'CID'].each do |var|
cookie = set_cookie.scan(/(#{var}=.*?);/)
cookie = cookie.join('').split('=')
@cookies[cookie[0]] = cookie[1] unless cookie.size != 2
I only want the SID, BID, and CID cookies.
Then when I send another request to them I am doing the following:
def cookies
cookie_str = ''
@cookies.each do |k, v|
unless cookie_str == ''
cookie_str << ';'
cookie_str << k << '=' << v
end unless @cookies.nil?
req.add_field 'Cookie', cookies #this calls the above method
Which ended up sending the following 'Cookie' header:
Am I not sending the cookie header properly, because the site is not accepting them. Do I need to include more information than just the name and the value?
Thanks for your help.
Thank You,
Ben Johnson
E: bjohnson@contuitive.com