Need informations

I need some informations about the scripting with Ruby.

Is it possible to do this feature directly (or indirectly) :
    - manage processus (start, get the status, stop),
    - get the return of a program,
    - get the program output,
    - the exploit of SQL's request is easy ?
    - access to COM component is possible ?
    - access to the AD (test the presence of an object, find his full
path, ...
    - exchange variables between processus,
    - have a graphic interface to request informations to the user,
    - do libraries (with version, ...) ?

A lot of questions who don't have founded answers...

Thank you in advance for your answers,

Best regards,


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I need some informations about the scripting with Ruby.

Is it possible to do this feature directly (or indirectly) :
- manage processus (start, get the status, stop),
- get the return of a program,
- get the program output,

Sure there are various ways to interact with processes, this seems to
be a pretty good overview of the basic Ruby functionality:

You might find it instructive also to look at some process monitoring
tools written in Ruby like



- the exploit of SQL's request is easy ?

Quite. there are both low-level bindings to various databases, as well
as higher level ORM mapping libraries like DataMapper and ActiveRecord
(the latter part of Ruby on Rails) which provide db independence and
an object-oriented interface.

- access to COM component is possible ?

I don't do much with MS platforms, but googling for "ruby component
object model" seems to provide some useful info.

- access to the AD (test the presence of an object, find his full
path, ...

I assume you mean Active Directory here. Again, not much direct
knowledge, but there are certainly LDAP bindings for Ruby which I'm
pretty sure have been successfully used to interact with Active

If you want tight integration with MS frameworks you might look at IronRuby.

- exchange variables between processus,

See above

- have a graphic interface to request informations to the user,

Yes, there are several Ruby UI libraries, Tk, Qt, FxRuby, ... JRuby
will let you use Java UI frameworks, and again there's IronRuby for MS

- do libraries (with version, ...) ?

I'm not sure what you mean here, I can think of two meanings.

  If you are talking about executable code libraries, there is Ruby
gems which allows multiple versions for ruby libraries to be installed
and selected. Gems provides for Ruby what packages do for operating
systems, although most OS packagers only support a single version to
be installed a time. More recently there has been a trend towards
better tools for deploying and managing gems, such as bundler.

Or maybe you are talking about source code management and version
control. Ruby works well with these, I'd say that most Rubyists use
either Git or Subversion. Git has become quite popular particularly
since the advent of github

J'espère que je vous ai aidé


On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Doc Tor <> wrote:

A lot of questions who don't have founded answers...

Thank you in advance for your answers,

Best regards,
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Rick DeNatale

Github: rubyredrick (Rick DeNatale) · GitHub
Twitter: @RickDeNatale