Mkdir -p [] asked humbly:

>I see that FileUtils already has mkdir. Is it possible to include an
>option like -p for FileUtils.mkdir, like :recurse => true
or :parents
>=> true perhaps?

Hmm, do you want to have

  FileUtils.mkdir path, :recurse => true

or to be unix like, FileUtils.mkdir path, :parents => true #man mkdir 1

in addition to independent mkdir_p method?

you may deprecate it =) :slight_smile:

How come?

1. simplify,
   a. I only need to remember mkdir (in fact, I do not need to remember)
   b. mkdir_p is just mkdir w -p option, so why create another name/method?

2. I do not like mkdir_p name. I am surprise -but not good. If it is a good
surprise, I'd like to think why you think so... this is just nuby question,
so pls forgive in advance..


kind regards -botp