Would you like something similar for the ruby-lang mailing list?
2 questions back at you ...
How could anyone say no ?
What difference would it make if they did ?
Still, there is one problem: The ruby-lang list requires registration before posting. So people would have to register for the forum and for the mailing list. That would probably create confusion. I will talk to the list admin about that.
Still, there is one problem: The ruby-lang list requires registration
before posting. So people would have to register for the forum and for
the mailing list. That would probably create confusion. I will talk to
the list admin about that.
(ruby-talk list assumed)
Posts to comp.lang.ruby are mirrored to the list (the gateway software
is just one member of the list).
You could send all forum posts to c.l.ruby without needing permission
from anyone (until, maybe, someone complained).
I guess, with permission from the list admin., you would pipe all
forum posts through one list account (as the NG->ML gateway does).
IOW, either way, folks need to subscribe to your forum, only.
Presumably, traffic to the ML/NG would increase but we'd just have to
deal with it.
Still, there is one problem: The ruby-lang list requires registration
before posting. So people would have to register for the forum and for
the mailing list. That would probably create confusion. I will talk to
the list admin about that.
(ruby-talk list assumed)
Yes, I mixed up ruby-talk and comp.lang.ruby.
Posts to comp.lang.ruby are mirrored to the list (the gateway software
is just one member of the list).
You could send all forum posts to c.l.ruby without needing permission
from anyone (until, maybe, someone complained).
I guess, with permission from the list admin., you would pipe all
forum posts through one list account (as the NG->ML gateway does).
I'm not sure how to do this. I think the list software checks the From header and bounces the mail if the address is not in the subscriber list. Or am I wrong about this?
I have contacted the list admin, let's see what he has to say.
IOW, either way, folks need to subscribe to your forum, only.
Presumably, traffic to the ML/NG would increase but we'd just have to
deal with it.
Increased traffic is not necessarily a bad thing... and at least it's free of HTML crap when it comes from the forum.
daz wrote:
> I guess, with permission from the list admin., you would pipe all
> forum posts through one list account (as the NG->ML gateway does).
I'm not sure how to do this. I think the list software checks the From
header and bounces the mail if the address is not in the subscriber
list. Or am I wrong about this?
Here's a recent ruby-talk post which originated from a UseNet poster:
From: Andreas Schwarz <usenet@andr...>
Reply-To: ruby-talk@ruby-la...
Subject: Re: Mailing list <-> web forum gateway
To: ruby-talk@ruby-la... (ruby-talk ML)
X-From-Usenet: see Received: header above.
X-rubymirror: yes
That post and all other UseNet posts are collected, then smtp'd
individually to the ruby-talk mailing list by the same agent.
The actual header checked by the list software is "Mail From:"
which doesn't show in the archives (privacy/security).
I'm just not sure about is how popular increased traffic would be.
There are quite a few list members who'd happily disconnect
c.l.ruby from ruby-talk and I can hear them shouting at me to shut up.
- Some good that'll do
OTOH, I suspect there are /zero/ newsgroupers who would wish the
disconnection of ruby-talk from c.l.ruby 'cos we love 'em to bits.