kittyverse library / gem - helper classes for cattributes, trait types, traits, genes, genomes and more for cryptokitties and copycats cryptocollectibles (on the blockchain)


   I've updated the free (open source) kittyverse library / gem that
includes helper classes
  for cattributes, trait types, traits, genes, genomes and more for
  cryptokitties and copycats cryptocollectibles (on the blockchain).

  Use the Traits helper class to lookup trait types (e.g. fur,
pattern, eye color, eye shape, base color, etc.) and traits (e.g.
savannah, selkirk, chantilly, etc.):

    t = Traits[ 'FU00' ]
    p t.class #=> Trait
    p #=> "Savannah"
    p #=> "Fur"
    p t.code #=> "FU00"
    p t.kai #=> "1"

  Or use the Fancy helper class to lookup fancy or exclusive or
special edition cats incl. timed trait recipes / forumlas, counts,
limits, ids and more:

    f = Fancy[ 'Genesis' ]
    p f.class #=> Fancy
    p #=> "Genesis"
    p f.key #=> :genesis
    p f.exlusive? #=> true
    p f.ids.size #=> 1
    p f.ids #=> [1]

  and so on.

  Happy data wrangling, cat herding and bits & bytes slicing w/ ruby.
Cheers. Prost.
