Is there a better way to do this?

As part of my learning Ruby I am trying to learn how to format strings. The following is an example for formatting a U.S. phone number:

a = "1234567890"
b = "(000) 000-0000"
ai = 0

for i in 0..(b.length) -1
   if b[i,1] == "0"
     b[i,1] = a[ai,1]
     ai += 1
puts b

Is there a better (more Rubyish) way to do this?
Obviously I will want to add more code in the future to handle exceptions like phone numbers that are not 10 characters long or are longer, but this will get me started.

I'm sure there are better ways but here is something to look at.

a = "1234567890"
area = a.slice(0..2)
exc = a.slice(3..5)
num = a.slice(6..9)
tel = "(#{area}) #{exc}-#{num}"

p tel



On 5/4/07, Michael W. Ryder <> wrote:

As part of my learning Ruby I am trying to learn how to format strings.
  The following is an example for formatting a U.S. phone number:

a = "1234567890"
b = "(000) 000-0000"
ai = 0

for i in 0..(b.length) -1
   if b[i,1] == "0"
     b[i,1] = a[ai,1]
     ai += 1
puts b

Is there a better (more Rubyish) way to do this?
Obviously I will want to add more code in the future to handle
exceptions like phone numbers that are not 10 characters long or are
longer, but this will get me started.


A Look into Japanese Ruby List in English

I have a vague recollection that Perl has a specific feature along these
lines: ah yes, see "man perlform". But I've never used it, and I think this
is one Perlism that Ruby hasn't copied.

It sounds to me like you actually want two different types of format:

format("000 000-0000","1234567890") # => "123 456-7890"
format("000000.00","1234.4") # => " 1234.40"

People have given you several solutions for the former. The latter is most
easily handled by sprintf (or format % [values]) if the value is numeric.

Actually, you could bend sprintf to do the former too:

val = "1234567890"
fmt = "(000) 000-0000"
res = sprintf(fmt.gsub(/0/,"%s"), *val.split(//))




On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 09:45:04AM +0900, Michael W. Ryder wrote:

As part of my learning Ruby I am trying to learn how to format strings.
The following is an example for formatting a U.S. phone number:

a = "1234567890"
b = "(000) 000-0000"
ai = 0

for i in 0..(b.length) -1
  if b[i,1] == "0"
    b[i,1] = a[ai,1]
    ai += 1
puts b

Is there a better (more Rubyish) way to do this?

I'd start by having the parts of the number separate. Then you can easily use sprintf for the formatting. For example, with

Phone =, :area, :number) do
   def to_s
     sprintf("(%d) %d-%d", country, area, number)

You can do

irb(main):006:0> a = 123, 456, 7890
=> #<struct Phone country=123, area=456, number=7890>
irb(main):007:0> puts a
(123) 456-7890
=> nil

You can even add exceptions and special handling if one of the parts is missing etc. If you need leading zeros, that's easy with sprintf as well.

Kind regards



On 04.05.2007 02:43, Michael W. Ryder wrote:

As part of my learning Ruby I am trying to learn how to format strings. The following is an example for formatting a U.S. phone number:

a = "1234567890"
b = "(000) 000-0000"
ai = 0

for i in 0..(b.length) -1
  if b[i,1] == "0"
    b[i,1] = a[ai,1]
    ai += 1
puts b

Is there a better (more Rubyish) way to do this?
Obviously I will want to add more code in the future to handle exceptions like phone numbers that are not 10 characters long or are longer, but this will get me started.

puts a.sub(/(...)(...)(....)/,'(\1) \2-\3')

when you have other formats, use if a.length == whatever to decide which
pattern to apply.



On Fri, 04 May 2007 00:43:34 +0000, Michael W. Ryder wrote:

As part of my learning Ruby I am trying to learn how to format strings.
  The following is an example for formatting a U.S. phone number:

a = "1234567890"
b = "(000) 000-0000"
ai = 0

for i in 0..(b.length) -1
   if b[i,1] == "0"
     b[i,1] = a[ai,1]
     ai += 1
puts b

Is there a better (more Rubyish) way to do this? Obviously I will want
to add more code in the future to handle exceptions like phone numbers
that are not 10 characters long or are longer, but this will get me

Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

Harry Kakueki wrote:


On 5/4/07, Michael W. Ryder <> wrote:

As part of my learning Ruby I am trying to learn how to format strings.
  The following is an example for formatting a U.S. phone number:

a = "1234567890"
b = "(000) 000-0000"
ai = 0

for i in 0..(b.length) -1
   if b[i,1] == "0"
     b[i,1] = a[ai,1]
     ai += 1
puts b

Is there a better (more Rubyish) way to do this?
Obviously I will want to add more code in the future to handle
exceptions like phone numbers that are not 10 characters long or are
longer, but this will get me started.

I'm sure there are better ways but here is something to look at.

a = "1234567890"
area = a.slice(0..2)
exc = a.slice(3..5)
num = a.slice(6..9)
tel = "(#{area}) #{exc}-#{num}"

p tel


I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00") and it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and for some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any number of formats. Thanks for the input.

which of course can be shrunk to

val = "1234567890"
fmt = "(000) 000-0000"
res = fmt.gsub(/0/,"%s") % val.split(//)


On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 04:42:31PM +0900, Brian Candler wrote:

Actually, you could bend sprintf to do the former too:

val = "1234567890"
fmt = "(000) 000-0000"
res = sprintf(fmt.gsub(/0/,"%s"), *val.split(//))

I answered that question, too.
But then he added more requirements.
He not only wants to deal with phone number formats, but any format.



On 5/4/07, Robert Klemme <> wrote:

> Is there a better (more Rubyish) way to do this?
> Obviously I will want to add more code in the future to handle
> exceptions like phone numbers that are not 10 characters long or are
> longer, but this will get me started.

I'd start by having the parts of the number separate. Then you can
easily use sprintf for the formatting. For example, with

Phone =, :area, :number) do
   def to_s
     sprintf("(%d) %d-%d", country, area, number)

You can do

irb(main):006:0> a = 123, 456, 7890
=> #<struct Phone country=123, area=456, number=7890>
irb(main):007:0> puts a
(123) 456-7890
=> nil

You can even add exceptions and special handling if one of the parts is
missing etc. If you need leading zeros, that's easy with sprintf as well.

Kind regards



A Look into Japanese Ruby List in English

Ken Bloom wrote:


On Fri, 04 May 2007 00:43:34 +0000, Michael W. Ryder wrote:

As part of my learning Ruby I am trying to learn how to format strings.
  The following is an example for formatting a U.S. phone number:

a = "1234567890"
b = "(000) 000-0000"
ai = 0

for i in 0..(b.length) -1
   if b[i,1] == "0"
     b[i,1] = a[ai,1]
     ai += 1
puts b

Is there a better (more Rubyish) way to do this? Obviously I will want
to add more code in the future to handle exceptions like phone numbers
that are not 10 characters long or are longer, but this will get me

puts a.sub(/(...)(...)(....)/,'(\1) \2-\3')

when you have other formats, use if a.length == whatever to decide which pattern to apply.


That looks very interesting! Thanks for the code. I think it will work great for parts of the method. With very little work this I can make this work for formatting dollar amounts, etc.

I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00") and it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and for some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any number of formats. Thanks for the input.


require 'enumerator'

def sform(num, fmt)
   # convert num to array (of one digit strings):
   num = num.to_enum(:each_byte).map { |code| code.chr }

   # for each zero, replace it with a digit popped off the
   # front of the array of numbers (or characters):
   fmt.gsub(/0/) { num.shift }


I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I
could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or
sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00") and
it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and for
some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any number
of formats. Thanks for the input.

Well, that's different :slight_smile:
So, you want to grab the first 10 digits and ignore beyond that?
Look into regular expressions.



A Look into Japanese Ruby List in English

I was thinking about your question again and came up with this.
Just before I posted I saw that William had taken a similar approach
and offered it in a more compact form.
Anyway , for what it's worth.
I was thinking the dots should only be in the formatting, not in the
input so I stripped them out of the input.

#arr = ["123456", "00/00/00"]
arr = ["12345.67", "$00,000.00"]
#arr = ["1234567890", "(000) 000-0000"]

inp_arr = arr[0].delete(".").split(//)
fmt_arr = arr[1].split(//)
str = ""
fmt_arr.each do |x|
str << inp_arr.shift if x =~ /\d/
str << x if x !~ /\d/
p str



On 5/4/07, Michael W. Ryder <> wrote:

I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I
could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or
sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00") and
it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and for
some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any number
of formats. Thanks for the input.


A Look into Japanese Ruby List in English

That somehow eluded me. Thanks for pointing it out!

Kind regards



On 04.05.2007 10:24, Harry Kakueki wrote:

I answered that question, too.
But then he added more requirements.
He not only wants to deal with phone number formats, but any format.

Dan Zwell wrote:

I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00") and it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and for some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any number of formats. Thanks for the input.


require 'enumerator'

def sform(num, fmt)
  # convert num to array (of one digit strings):
  num = num.to_enum(:each_byte).map { |code| code.chr }

  # for each zero, replace it with a digit popped off the
  # front of the array of numbers (or characters):
  fmt.gsub(/0/) { num.shift }


Your method is much better than my C style one. With a little work to handle exceptions it should generally work. The only problem I have found so far is that it doesn't handle periods in the number string properly -- i.e. sform("12345.67", "$00,000.00") returns $12,345..6" instead of $12,345.67". Something for me to work on. Thanks for the code.

This will grab digits and then you can do what you want with them.

arr = ["1234567890", "(123) 867-5309","12/34/56/78/90444"]

arr.each do |x|
num = x.scan(/\d/).join
p num



On 5/4/07, Harry Kakueki <> wrote:

> >
> I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I
> could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or
> sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00") and
> it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and for
> some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any number
> of formats. Thanks for the input.
Well, that's different :slight_smile:
So, you want to grab the first 10 digits and ignore beyond that?
Look into regular expressions.

A Look into Japanese Ruby List in English


A Look into Japanese Ruby List in English

Without 'enumerator':

def sform( str, fmt )
  ary = str.split(//)
  fmt.gsub( /0/ ){ ary.shift }


On May 3, 8:38 pm, Dan Zwell <> wrote:

> I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I
> could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or
> sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00") and
> it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and for
> some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any number
> of formats. Thanks for the input.


require 'enumerator'

def sform(num, fmt)
   # convert num to array (of one digit strings):
   num = num.to_enum(:each_byte).map { |code| code.chr }

   # for each zero, replace it with a digit popped off the
   # front of the array of numbers (or characters):
   fmt.gsub(/0/) { num.shift }


def sform( str, fmt )
  ary = str.split(//)
  fmt.gsub( /0/ ){ ary.shift }

Yeah, that's much simpler. I like it.


I made some changes to handle the decimal point
and the case when there are fewer digits in the
string than in the format.

# The part on the left of the decimal point.
def sform_left( str, fmt )
  result = ''
  fmt = fmt.split(//)
    while fmt.last != '0' do
      result = fmt.pop + result
    result = d + result
  result = fmt.first + result if fmt.first != '0'

# The part on the right of the decimal point.
def sform_right( str, fmt )
  ary = str.split(//)
  fmt.gsub( /0/ ){ ary.shift || '0' }

def sform( str, fmt )
  str = str.split('.')
  fmt = fmt.split('.')
  result = sform_left( str[0], fmt[0])
  if fmt[1]
    result += "." + sform_right( str.last, fmt.last)

puts sform("12345", "$00,000")
puts sform("1234", "$00,000")
puts sform("123", "$00,000")
puts sform("12345.6", "$00,000.00")
puts sform("12345.678", "$00,000.00")
puts sform("12345.678", "$00,000")

--- output ---


On May 3, 9:03 pm, "Michael W. Ryder" <> wrote:

Dan Zwell wrote:
>> I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I
>> could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or
>> sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00")
>> and it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and
>> for some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any
>> number of formats. Thanks for the input.

> welcome.

> require 'enumerator'

> def sform(num, fmt)
> # convert num to array (of one digit strings):
> num = num.to_enum(:each_byte).map { |code| code.chr }

> # for each zero, replace it with a digit popped off the
> # front of the array of numbers (or characters):
> fmt.gsub(/0/) { num.shift }
> end

> dan

Your method is much better than my C style one. With a little work to
handle exceptions it should generally work. The only problem I have
found so far is that it doesn't handle periods in the number string
properly -- i.e. sform("12345.67", "$00,000.00") returns $12,345..6"
instead of $12,345.67". Something for me to work on. Thanks for the code.

William James wrote:


On May 3, 9:03 pm, "Michael W. Ryder" <> > wrote:

Dan Zwell wrote:

I am trying to come up with a "generic" formatting routine so that I
could feed it something like sform("123456789", "000-00-0000") or
sform("1234567890", "(000) 000-0000") or sform("123456", "00/00/00")
and it would work. I could easily do something like you suggest, and
for some cases it might be better, but I want something I can for any
number of formats. Thanks for the input.

require 'enumerator'
def sform(num, fmt)
  # convert num to array (of one digit strings):
  num = num.to_enum(:each_byte).map { |code| code.chr }
  # for each zero, replace it with a digit popped off the
  # front of the array of numbers (or characters):
  fmt.gsub(/0/) { num.shift }

Your method is much better than my C style one. With a little work to
handle exceptions it should generally work. The only problem I have
found so far is that it doesn't handle periods in the number string
properly -- i.e. sform("12345.67", "$00,000.00") returns $12,345..6"
instead of $12,345.67". Something for me to work on. Thanks for the code.

I made some changes to handle the decimal point
and the case when there are fewer digits in the
string than in the format.

# The part on the left of the decimal point.
def sform_left( str, fmt )
  result = ''
  fmt = fmt.split(//)
    while fmt.last != '0' do
      result = fmt.pop + result
    result = d + result
  result = fmt.first + result if fmt.first != '0'

# The part on the right of the decimal point.
def sform_right( str, fmt )
  ary = str.split(//)
  fmt.gsub( /0/ ){ ary.shift || '0' }

def sform( str, fmt )
  str = str.split('.')
  fmt = fmt.split('.')
  result = sform_left( str[0], fmt[0])
  if fmt[1]
    result += "." + sform_right( str.last, fmt.last)

puts sform("12345", "$00,000")
puts sform("1234", "$00,000")
puts sform("123", "$00,000")
puts sform("12345.6", "$00,000.00")
puts sform("12345.678", "$00,000.00")
puts sform("12345.678", "$00,000")

--- output ---

Thank you for the ideas. I figured there had to be a better way to accomplish what I wanted without doing it like I would do it in C. With a little work I think I can make these do everything I want to do. The last step I need to work on is to allow it to handle formats that replace leading zeros with blanks. This will allow the display of dollar amounts in neat columns.