I figured I'd try running the tests that Ron Jeffries is running, to see
what happens on my Windows XP machine.
I realized that I haven't actually used my win32 install in a while; it was
still on 1.8.4 and rubygems couldn't even self-update from 0.9.0. So I
just blew it away and redownloaded.
I've made a huge mistake.
Problem #1: There are (or were?) a lot of mirrors for Ruby downloads, but
they seem to be gone as of the (otherwise really pretty) ruby-lang.org
redesign. So I had to downloaded it from the main site - and, judging by
the download speed, that hurt the site even more.
Problem #2: I remembered reading here that the one-click installer was
outdated, so I figured I'd just download the base install and build it up
(I've made a huge mistake.)
Problem #3: Rubygems needs zlib. Ruby-lang.org used to have that for
download, but it's not there anymore. Downloaded it from zlib.net, but
there's no zlib.dll in there; just zlibwapi.dll now. I couldn't find any
mention of that on Google, but I did find people saying they had downloaded
the old DLL and put it in c:\ruby\bin (not lib!), so after some error and
error, I renamed zlibwapi.dll to zlib.dll, and put it in c:\ruby\bin.
Problem #4: ruby setup.rb now gets past zlib, but crashes with a segfault!
It's at this point that I realize that the Ruby Windows binary on
rubylang-org is also out of date; it doesn't list the patchlevel, but it's
dated 2007-03-13, which I think was the initial 1.8.6 release. OK, so
maybe there's a bug that the current zlib or gems hits.
So, bunch more Googling, no mentions on comp.lang.ruby, but I eventually
stumble across www.garbagecollect.jp/ruby, which has mswin32 builds
available. More slow download across transatlantic links, more unzipping,
Problem #5: same crash.
Back to the zlib page. Ah hah... I had searched the page for "Windows",
but the version of the DLL I apparently want is NOT the one called "zlib
for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 (DLL version, plus related utilities)".
It's "zlib compiled DLL, version 1.2.3, zipfile format". I see my error.
I replace the zlibwapi.dll-named-zlib.dll with zlib1.dll-named-zlib.dll,
and now, all is well.
So... since Ruby's a community effort, what can I do to help solve problems
1-5, other than posting this for Google to index?
Jay Levitt |
Boston, MA | My character doesn't like it when they
Faster: jay at jay dot fm | cry or shout or hit.
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