How to use the safe_unlink method?



-----Original Message-----
From: Mauricio Fernández []
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: How to use the safe_unlink method?

On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 03:01:41AM +0900, Kurt Euler wrote:


Thanks, but a follow-up question:

How exactly would I rewrite my file (which happens to be named “dl.rb”) which currently includes just this text:

require ‘ftools’

Do you think this code should be correct as written? (I don’t
understand your “ruby -rftools -e” text.)

He’s creating a file named “.output*.*” and deleting it with the line
you used. He’s showing you 2 errors there:

  1. usage of '' in the string: it’s gotta be escaped: “\”
    NOTE: maybe Ruby uses ‘/’ as a dir. separator even in Win*, you’ll
    have to test
  2. File.safe_unlink doesn’t accept file globs.

Use something like (untested)

require ‘ftools’
files = Dir[“.\output\.”]
files.each { |x| File.safe_unlink x }

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