How to move from a Desktop / Development environment to 24/7 Onlilne Production?


Like many of you in the list I've been learning Ruby and trying it for
a while now, especially the Rails framework.

I wonder however what tools are there to move whatever I develop on my
Mac (or PC) running Ruby on Rails to a hosting environment, for an
online application.

I have heard about "migrations" and other features, but frankly I know
little about the subject. Could you share your knowledge on this
process, and what are the options to do it properly?

Thanks a lot,

Joseph L. Hurtado
Web Developer
Toronto, Canada

You'll likely get better answers on the Rails mailing list.

Joseph wrote:



Like many of you in the list I've been learning Ruby and trying it for
a while now, especially the Rails framework.

I wonder however what tools are there to move whatever I develop on my
Mac (or PC) running Ruby on Rails to a hosting environment, for an
online application.

I have heard about "migrations" and other features, but frankly I know
little about the subject. Could you share your knowledge on this
process, and what are the options to do it properly?

Thanks a lot,

Joseph L. Hurtado
Web Developer
Toronto, Canada

Check out Capistrano:

And yes, subscribe to Rails-talk.



On 11/29/06, Jon Garvin <> wrote:

You'll likely get better answers on the Rails mailing list.

Joseph wrote:
> Folks,
> Like many of you in the list I've been learning Ruby and trying it for
> a while now, especially the Rails framework.
> I wonder however what tools are there to move whatever I develop on my
> Mac (or PC) running Ruby on Rails to a hosting environment, for an
> online application.
> I have heard about "migrations" and other features, but frankly I know
> little about the subject. Could you share your knowledge on this
> process, and what are the options to do it properly?
> Thanks a lot,
> Joseph L. Hurtado
> Web Developer
> Toronto, Canada