How to config textmate to use ruby1.9

Hi all:
I installed textmate1.5.9 and ruby 1.9.2 on my OSX SL.
Now I met a problem when i use command-R to run my ruby script in
textmate. It always refers to ruby 1.8 to run the script.I searched some
methods in internet to resolve the problem.I tried to set var
TM_RUBY=/usr/local/bin/ruby.But this can't help.I also run
/usr/local/bin/ruby -v in shell.He tells me that he is ruby 1.9! Then
how can i do now?

I am a newbie in this forum. Can anyone help me ? Thanks. And say sorry
for my poor English.


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I think you need to modify the PATH variable inside the preferences dialog.

TextMate Menu -> Preferences -> Advanced Tab -> Shell Variables Sub Tab and add the PATH variable adding to it the path to your ruby 1.9.2

I think there might be a cleaner way to do this... but it works for me.

Kind regards,


On Dec 7, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Zhijie Wu wrote:

Hi all:
I installed textmate1.5.9 and ruby 1.9.2 on my OSX SL.
Now I met a problem when i use command-R to run my ruby script in
textmate. It always refers to ruby 1.8 to run the script.I searched some
methods in internet to resolve the problem.I tried to set var
TM_RUBY=/usr/local/bin/ruby.But this can't help.I also run
/usr/local/bin/ruby -v in shell.He tells me that he is ruby 1.9! Then
how can i do now?

I am a newbie in this forum. Can anyone help me ? Thanks. And say sorry
for my poor English.

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