Hello guys I am doing a little something for class but I need help
Okay the point of the game is to roll to random dice and if the dice
lands on [one] you lose or if you dont you get to add up the two sums of
what you did roll. or you get the option to choose to roll again or
pass. heres that my code looks like....it will do the while, but when it
gets to the if(and lands on 1) it will stay in the while for some
reason. Here is what my code looks like
# roll or pass
# A Ruby dice game. Each turn you can play it safe and keep your score,
# or roll again to rack up points. But watch out! A roll of 1 could
# you everything!
# dice face rows
frame = "+-----+\n"
blank = "| |\n"
center = "| * |\n"
left = "|* |\n"
right = "| *|\n"
both = "|* *|\n"
# dice faces
one = frame + blank + center + blank + frame
two = frame + left + blank + right + frame
three = frame + left + center + right + frame
four = frame + both + blank + both + frame
five = frame + both + center + both + frame
six = frame + both*3 + frame
weird = frame + blank*3 + frame
faces = [one, two, three, four, five, six]
points = 0
puts 'Would you like the roll or pass?'
user_turn = gets.chomp()
while (user_turn != 'pass') do
result1= faces[(rand(6))]
result2= faces[(rand(6))]
puts result1
puts result2
puts 'current score is'
if (result1 result2 != faces[0])
puts 'Would you like to roll again?'
user_turn = gets.chomp
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