Another user posted a question about a dice game earlier. I have this
same assignment. The goal of the assignment is the create a program to
roll two dice, add the number of those dice to the score, and if you get
a 1 you lose. After each roll the program asks the user to roll or pass.
I've accomplished this...but I'm pretty sure the way I set up the
scoring isn't the most efficient way to do it, but I don't know how else
to do it. Can anyone help me?
# Die Pieces #################################
frame = "+-----+\n"
blank = "| |\n"
center ="| * |\n"
right = "|* |\n"
left = "| *|\n"
both = "|* *|\n"
# Dice ######################################
one = frame + blank + center + blank + frame
two = frame + right + blank + left + frame
three = frame + right + center + left + frame
four = frame + both + blank + both + frame
five = frame + both + center + both + frame
six = frame + (both * 3) + frame
score = 0
turns = 0
faces = [one, two, three, four, five, six]
answered = false
while (answered == false) do
puts "Would you like to Roll or Pass?"
input = gets().chomp().downcase()
if (input == "pass")
puts "\nFinal Score is: " + score.to_s() + "\nBye!"
(answered = true)
if (input != "pass")
roll_1 = faces[rand(6)]
roll_2 = faces[rand(6)]
puts roll_1 + roll_2
From here if (roll_1 == faces[1])
score = score + 2
elsif (roll_1 == faces[2])
score = score + 3
elsif (roll_1 == faces[3])
score = score + 4
elsif (roll_1 == faces[4])
score = score + 5
elsif (roll_1 == faces[5])
score = score + 6
if (roll_2 == faces[1])
score = score + 2
elsif (roll_2 == faces[2])
score = score + 3
elsif (roll_2 == faces[3])
score = score + 4
elsif (roll_2 == faces[4])
score = score + 5
elsif (roll_2 == faces[5])
score = score + 6
To here end
puts "Current Score is: " + score.to_s()
turns = turns + 1
elsif ((roll_1 == faces[0])||(roll_2 == faces[0]))
puts "You rolled a 1. You lose!"
(answered = true)
puts "Turns taken: " + turns.to_s()
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