This is often a sign your internet access is through a proxy server.
I've not worked out how to get gem to bypass this, but I did find I could download and save the gems to the local machine (not sure of url, but there is a place that makes all gems available in the one spot).After you've downloaded them, run gem install from the directory you have saved the gems to.
You are likely to get an error indicating a required dependency not found. Note the dependency, download it and try again.
Messy, but it works. It's quite likely someone has a nicer solution.Cheers,
DaveHi all...
PLZ help me
I am new to both ruby and rails.
I was trying to install rails on My FC5 machine but it didn't succeed...I have successfully installed latest version of Ruby on my machine, and Gems
When I use command
"gem install rails --include-dependencies"
I get following error..."ERROR: While executing gem ... (SocketError)
getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution "Can anybody solve my problem as early as possible???
Thanks & Regards,
AnJuM PaThAn
On 17/01/2007, at 5:33 PM, Anjum Pathan wrote: