#help in reading from csv file

Hi Friends,

Here I am trying to read from a cvs file

my code is like this

require 'nebo' # my ruby library where the function create_product is

product=CSV.open('createproduct.csv','r') #reading data from csv file

loginnebo=CSV.open('login.csv','r') #file to get the creadential to login
to the application



# iterate to the csv file row by row till there is any row exists.



Here in this code it is reading one extra empty row from the file how to
handle that in ruby.
I want to control the loop where there is no more rows in the csv file.
Can anybody helps.Help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Here how you can access correctly a csv file. This works and is more in
the ruby style.

require 'csv'

CSV::Reader.parse(File.open('my.csv', 'rb')) do |row|
  next if row.first.nil? #skip blank lines

But you can be more restrictive by changing the condition on the next

next unless row.size == 5 #skip all lines without the exact number of
columns (5 here)

I hope this will help you,


jerome () {
  c = Woa! Kft
  w = http://www.woa.hu

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

# iterate to the csv file row by row till there is any row exists.


create_product(row) unless row.empty?


Here in this code it is reading one extra empty row from the file how to
handle that in ruby.
I want to control the loop where there is no more rows in the csv file.
Can anybody helps.Help will be highly appreciated.

I suspect there is an empty line in your file. If so, the above fix should help.

James Edward Gray II


On Dec 6, 2006, at 11:58 PM, Tanushree Bhoi wrote: