Csv help

Can anyone point me to a good tutorial on csv files and ruby. I've read
the docs that go along with the standard csv library but it's hard to
put it all together. I'm trying to write a simple timekeeper application
using csv files but I don't really know where to start. Maybe someone
can point out the many flaws in this beginners attempt. Currently all
I'm trying to do is create a row of time data each time the app is ran.

require 'csv'
class TimeKeeper

  ## constant of where the csv file is stored
  @@csv_file = "/shared/home/cmbowma/.timeclock"

  def initialize

  def read
  @data = String.new
    CSV.parse open(@@csv_file).read do |row|
      @data << row.to_s << ','

  def write(data)
    writer = CSV.open(@@csv_file, 'w')
    writer << data

  csv = TimeKeeper.new
  @data = csv.read.to_a
  time = Time.now
  @data << [time]


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

To read a CSV file into an Array, try:

array_of_csv_rows = CSV.read("my_file.csv")

If you want to read CSV row by row, use:

CSV.foeach("my_file.csv") do |row
   # use row here

Hope that helps.

James Edward Gray II


On Jan 27, 2006, at 3:18 PM, charlie bowman wrote:

  def read
  @data = String.new
    CSV.parse open(@@csv_file).read do |row|
      @data << row.to_s << ','