I ran into something I hadn't realized (common occurrence). Keying a
hash with a symbol is not the same as using a string. I guess it makes
sense, but I've seen it done both ways, and I had been always using
symbols for my keys. But then I ran into an issue on loading an external
YAML object into a hash, and didn't realize it was keyed with strings so
I got errors the first time around.
So two questions:
1) What is the preferred method of keying hashes? Symbols, strings,
----------------- 8< -----------------
Symbols, look at this code
Symbol.send( :define_method, :to_proc ){
lambda{|x| x.send self }
} unless RUBY_VERSION === /^1\.9/
string_keys = %w{a b c}
symbol_keys = string_keys.map(&:to_sym)
string_hash = Hash[ *string_keys.zip([42]*3).to_a.flatten ]
symbol_hash = Hash[ *symbol_keys.zip([42]*3).to_a.flatten ]
p [:symbol, symbol_hash]
p [:string, string_hash]
puts "So far everything looks fine"
string_hash.each_pair do |k,v| k << "..." end
------------------------ 8< ----------------------
Ruby does a fine job by freezing keys of hashes, but I prefer to use
immutable objects as keys whenever it is possible
for that very reason, in our case that favors Symbols
2) Is there a smooth way to handle hashes that may have been keyed in
either fashion?
Handle them? If I pretended to be even more stupid than I actually
believe to be I would say yes sure
But I guess that you want to change from one to the other, let me show
you from String to Symbol
------------------------ 8< ----------------------
### Do not do this at home
Array.send :define_method, :each_with_index do
count = 0
inject(){|iwi,e| count+=1; iwi << [e,count=count+1]}
end unless RUBY_VERSION === /^1\.9/
string_hash = %w{A Brave New
World}.each_with_index.inject({}){|h,(v,i)| h.update v => i }
p string_hash
symbol_hash = Hash[ *string_hash.to_a.map{|k,v|[k.to_sym,v]}.flatten ]
p symbol_hash
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On Feb 11, 2008 8:32 PM, J. Cooper <nefigah@gmail.com> wrote:
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
Ludwig Wittgenstein