Hash and Array sorting - a bit confused

So, I have the following model method:

def self.cupcake_report_list
     list = Schedule.find_all_by_division(2, :select =>
'schedules.team_id, schedules.cupcake', :order => :team_id)
     cupcakes = []
     list.each do |row|
       teamname = ConferenceRecord.find_by_team_id(row.team_id, :joins
=> [:team, :conference])
       cupcakes << {'name'=> teamname.team.name,
         'teamid'=> teamname.team_id,
         'cupcake' => row.cupcake,
         'conference' => teamname.conference.short_name,
         'confid' => teamname.conference_id}
   return cupcakes

This returns and array of hashes:

120 rows: 0..119
Each row containing 5 hash key/values


test = cupcake_report_list

=> {"name"=>"Georgia Tech", "cupcake"=>"Jacksonville St.",
"conference"=>"ACC", "teamid"=>4, "confid"=>2}

What I want to do is sort the entire array by the name hash key so that
if I were to look within the array, it would like so:

=> {"name"=>"Air Force", etc., etc., etc., etc.}
=> {"name"=>"Akron", etc., etc., etc., etc.}
=> {"name"=>"Alabama", etc., etc., etc., etc.}


I can't figure out a way to do that correctly by a specific hash key
within the array.

Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

Many thanks.


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Alpha Blue wrote:


test = cupcake_report_list

=> {"name"=>"Georgia Tech", "cupcake"=>"Jacksonville St.",
"conference"=>"ACC", "teamid"=>4, "confid"=>2}

What I want to do is sort the entire array by the name hash key so that
if I were to look within the array, it would like so:

=> {"name"=>"Air Force", etc., etc., etc., etc.}
=> {"name"=>"Akron", etc., etc., etc., etc.}
=> {"name"=>"Alabama", etc., etc., etc., etc.}


I can't figure out a way to do that correctly by a specific hash key
within the array.

Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

Many thanks.

test = [
  {"name"=>"Zakron", "a" => "apple"},
  {"name"=>"Akron", "a" => "goodbye"},
  {"name"=>"Air Force", "a" => "hello"}

result = test.sort_by do |hash|

p result

[{"name"=>"Air Force", "a"=>"hello"}, {"name"=>"Akron", "a"=>"goodbye"},
{"name"=>"Zakron", "a"=>"apple"}]

result = test.sort_by do |hash|

p result


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Wow, why does it have to be so simple. :slight_smile:

Thanks a ton. If you knew what I was trying to do to get this to work,
well, we'll pretend I didn't try all that stuff. :slight_smile:

Thanks mate.


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