I’ve an array of hashes I want to sort, first by key1 and then subsort by
key2. I’ve some code that works but was wondering if there is a more
idiomatic method of doing this in Ruby:
create an array of Hashes. We want to sort by firstKey, then secondKey.
unsorted = []
100.times do |t|
unsorted.push({ “firstKey” => rand(10), “secondKey” => t})
I’ve an array of hashes I want to sort, first by key1 and then subsort by
key2. I’ve some code that works but was wondering if there is a more
idiomatic method of doing this in Ruby:
create an array of Hashes. We want to sort by firstKey, then secondKey.
unsorted =
100.times do |t|
unsorted.push({ “firstKey” => rand(10), “secondKey” => t})
a shorter one (not tested)
#create a hash of firstKey containing array of k2
unsorted.each{|k1, k2|
if top[k1]
top[k1] << k2
top[k1] = [k2]
sorted =
top.sort.each{|k1, ak2|
ak2.sort.each {|k2|
sorted << [k1, k2]
p sorted
I’ve an array of hashes I want to sort, first by key1 and then subsort by
key2. I’ve some code that works but was wondering if there is a more
idiomatic method of doing this in Ruby:
One way would be:
unsorted = (0…100).map {|t| { :k1 => rand(10), :k2 => t} }
sorted = unsorted.sort do |a,b|
if (n = a[:k1] <=> b[:k1]).zero?
a[:k2] <=> b[:k2]
or, if you don’t have my probably ridiculous aversion to the ternary
unsorted = (0…100).map {|t| { :k1 => rand(10), :k2 => t} }
sorted = unsorted.sort do |a,b|
(n = a[:k1] <=> b[:k1]).zero? ? a[:k2] <=> b[:k2] : n
The h.id in the first case is necessary to prevent the individual
hashes from being compared, which doesn’t work. In either case, we punt
by relying on the fact that <=> on arrays implements lexicographic
I’ve an array of hashes I want to sort, first by key1 and then subsort by
key2. I’ve some code that works but was wondering if there is a more
idiomatic method of doing this in Ruby:
create an array of Hashes. We want to sort by firstKey, then secondKey.
unsorted =
100.times do |t|
unsorted.push({ “firstKey” => rand(10), “secondKey” => t})
This works in 1.6 too. But if you have Ruby 1.7 and don’t need to
be compatible to 1.6 I’d use Enumerable#sort_by, as others have
shown. Maybe the 1.6 code is a bit more efficient, but I haven’t
tested this.