Getting access to run time of a process from Ruby, as opposed to wall clock time

The C runtime for POSIX includes a clock() function that gives you the
amount of time that your process has actually had on the CPU. I've
googled for a way to get access to this from Ruby, and all I get is
the fact that rubyprof uses this in its implementation. Is there a
way to get at this or something equivalent from Ruby without having to
write a C extension?

Thanks. wrote:

The C runtime for POSIX includes a clock() function that gives you the
amount of time that your process has actually had on the CPU. I've
googled for a way to get access to this from Ruby, and all I get is
the fact that rubyprof uses this in its implementation. Is there a
way to get at this or something equivalent from Ruby without having to
write a C extension?

Process.times ?


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407