Nobu wrote:
# Double Ctrl-D sends a text without a newline.
# > maybe, we can we have #gets2 or #input (for lack of better a
# > word) that automatically chops newline if there is one,
# > orthogonal to #puts putting one if there is none.
# a) use readline to input
# b) use Regexp to match
am sorry, i do not understand you clearly, Nobu. My dilemma is only on simple console/keyboard entry.
currently i do something like,
def input
print "Enter Y or N : "
x = input.upcase
if x == "Y"
puts "thank you..."
elsif x == "N"
puts "i see.."
puts "invalid input"
i think the function of input is more intuitive and less surprising to nubies. Also, is not that the reason w add newline on puts, no?
thank you for answering nuby questions.
kind regards -botp