At Fri, 23 Jun 2006 10:06:38 +0900,
Peña, Botp <botp@delmonte-phil.com> wrote in [ruby-talk:198616]:
fr Azalar:
# Makes sense now that i've seen what is happening behind the scenes.
# I come from a Java background but didn't think to test if it
# was adding carriage returns to the end of the string.that is a faq but you may have a point.
others would argue that "hey, i have to enter a newline
otherwise you wont accept it, and now you're telling me to
chop it off?!".
Double Ctrl-D sends a text without a newline.
maybe, we can we have #gets2 or #input (for lack of better a
word) that automatically chops newline if there is one,
orthogonal to #puts putting one if there is none.
a) use readline to input
b) use Regexp to match
Nobu Nakada