Friedl goes Ruby

I just noticed that there is a new version of Jeffrey Friedls book on
regular expressions.
This time it covers Ruby, according to the O’Reilly page.

The book is the de facto bible on Regular Expressions

old version:


Yap, I read the old version cover to cover but I think I could absorb only
at most 50% of it. The book is definitely the regexp bible. Highly
recommended to understand the state of the art of regexp (such as writing
an optimum regexp).




MikkelFJ wrote:

I just noticed that there is a new version of Jeffrey Friedls book on
regular expressions.
This time it covers Ruby, according to the O’Reilly page.

The book is the de facto bible on Regular Expressions

old version:

“MikkelFJ” wrote in message

I just noticed that there is a new version of Jeffrey Friedls book on
regular expressions.
This time it covers Ruby, according to the O’Reilly page.

The book is the de facto bible on Regular Expressions

so i went out and bought this book (i had not read the first edition), and
it is indeed beauteous and wonderful. i thought i knew how to use regular
expressions, and i still managed to learn things in the first chapter!

i thought i should mention, though, in case anyone was going to buy it for
its Ruby content, that if you look in the index you will find maybe a
half-dozen references to Ruby in the whole book.


“William Djaja Tjokroaminata” wrote in message

Yap, I read the old version cover to cover but I think I could absorb only
at most 50% of it. The book is definitely the regexp bible. Highly
recommended to understand the state of the art of regexp (such as writing
an optimum regexp).

BTW, the O’Reilly page has an interview with Friedl - in relation to the new
version he talks a lot about Perl 5 regexp being the an established
standard. In the first release a major point was the lack of standardization
in regexp (e.g. backslash or not before parentheses).

Where is Ruby RegEx compared to Perl 5?
Where is Boost RegEx compared to Perl 5?


Ruby’s regexen are taken from the GNU C Library.
Perl 5’s are SOTA so Ruby’s must be less powerful, but I don’t think
many people will know the difference :slight_smile:


On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 07:38:22AM +0900, MikkelFJ wrote:

“William Djaja Tjokroaminata” wrote in message

Yap, I read the old version cover to cover but I think I could absorb only
at most 50% of it. The book is definitely the regexp bible. Highly
recommended to understand the state of the art of regexp (such as writing
an optimum regexp).

BTW, the O’Reilly page has an interview with Friedl - in relation to the new
version he talks a lot about Perl 5 regexp being the an established
standard. In the first release a major point was the lack of standardization
in regexp (e.g. backslash or not before parentheses).

Where is Ruby RegEx compared to Perl 5?

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Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

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