footballdb-leagues Gem - Match the World's Top 100+ Football Leagues & Cups


   I've put together the footballdb-leagues gem / library [1]
that bundles-up an all-in-one football.db /leagues datafile
and lets you match 100+ football league & cup names
from around the world "out-of-the-gem / box" with zero-configuration.

  It's as easy as:

require 'footballdb/leagues'

pp League.all

resulting in:

[#<League @name="English Premier League", @country="England", ...>,
 #<League @name="English Championship",   @country="England", ...>,
 #<League @name="English League One",     @country="England", ...>,
 #<League @name="English League Two",     @country="England", ...>,

Let's find football leagues in the world that run
with the name `Premier League`:

m = League.match( 'Premier League' )
m.size     # 7 league matches found
#=> 7
m[0].name; m[0].country
#=> "English Premier League", "England"
m[1].name; m[1].country
#=> "Welsh Premier League", "Wales"
m[2].name;  m[2].country
#=> "Russian Premier League", "Russia"
# ...

m = League.match_by( name: 'Premier League', country: 'eng' )
# -or- try more alternative (unique) names
m = League.match( 'England Premier League' )
m = League.match( 'ENG 1' )
m = League.match( 'ENG PL' )
m.size     # 1 league match found
#=> 1
m[0].name; m[0].country
#=> "English Premier League",  "England"

m = League.match_by( name: 'Premier League', country: 'ru' )
# -or- try more alternative (unique) names
m = League.match( 'Russia Premier League' )
m = League.match( 'RUS 1' )
m = League.match( 'RUS PL' )
m.size     # 1 league match found
#=> 1
m[0].name; m[0].country
#=> "Russian Premier League", "Russia"

And so on and so forth. Enjoy the beautiful game. Happy data wrangling
with ruby.

  Cheers. Prost.

PS: Trivia Quiz: What league will League.match( 'NB I' ) match?
