I'm trying to fetch an url which needs several cookies to be set in order to properly return a result.
I've found a page in the website from which I can get the session cookies (instead of posting cookies set by myself I prefer use the ones coming from the server)
def http_get(url, url_before = nil)
headers = Hash.new()
headers['User-agent'] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
unless url_before.nil?
response = @http.get(url_before)
cookies = response.response['set-cookie']
headers['Cookie'] = cookies
response = @http.get(url, headers)
raise "url #{url} not accessible on host #{@host}:#{@port} - code #{response.code}" if not ['200','302'].include?(response.code)
The problem is that I'm not sure it the way I repost the cookies is right or not. The cookies retrieved by the unless block ARE OK but when the second @http.get occurs, the remote web server ignore them and send a redirect to a default page.
So, I need to be sure that I send cookies properly in the GET request before investigating the cookies's content
Thanks for your help
Note : when rewiewing this post I think I should write some code to keep the cookies's content between two calls (as a browser do) instead of handling things the way I do. But it's juste a side note
I'm trying to fetch an url which needs several cookies to be set in
order to properly return a result.
The problem is that I'm not sure it the way I repost the cookies is
right or not. The cookies retrieved by the unless block ARE OK but when
the second @http.get occurs, the remote web server ignore them and send
a redirect to a default page.
Why not -try- to manufacture them yourself and see if it works? If it
does, you know how to send them and can just make sure the
newly-obtained cookies are sent the same way. If it doesn't, massage it
until it does work.
So, I need to be sure that I send cookies properly in the GET request
before investigating the cookies's content
Note : when rewiewing this post I think I should write some code to keep
the cookies's content between two calls (as a browser do) instead of
handling things the way I do. But it's juste a side note
Yes, good idea.
Another thought, however. Perhaps the page has additional requirements
that you haven't met. Cookies that don't exist on the other page, but
were set at login or somewhere else. Headers that you aren't sending
and it expects. A specific refering page. (Or something else I've
momentarily forgotten.)
Why write all this yourself? WWW::Mechanize will handle storing and
sending cookies for you. Then you can concentrate on getting the data
from the web page.
You can even set a custom user agent string! Hope that helps.
On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 06:51:40PM +0900, Zouplaz wrote:
I'm trying to fetch an url which needs several cookies to be set in
order to properly return a result.
I've found a page in the website from which I can get the session
cookies (instead of posting cookies set by myself I prefer use the ones
coming from the server)
def http_get(url, url_before = nil)
headers = Hash.new()
headers['User-agent'] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows
NT 5.1)"
unless url_before.nil?
response = @http.get(url_before)
cookies = response.response['set-cookie']
headers['Cookie'] = cookies
response = @http.get(url, headers)
raise "url #{url} not accessible on host #{@host}:#{@port} - code
#{response.code}" if not ['200','302'].include?(response.code)
The problem is that I'm not sure it the way I repost the cookies is
right or not. The cookies retrieved by the unless block ARE OK but when
the second @http.get occurs, the remote web server ignore them and send
a redirect to a default page.
I don't why but suddenly it worked... I presumed I've missed something somewhere..
Now, I've rewritten the code and I use a "write-once" cookie mechanism which is generic for every "scrapping" class that I use - It's sufficient for now
def http_get(url)
headers = Hash.new()
headers['User-agent'] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
headers['Cookie'] = @cookies unless @cookies.nil?
response = @http.get(url, headers)
raise "url #{url} no access on host #{@host}:#{@port} - code #{response.code}" if not ['200','302'].include?(response.code) @cookies = response.response['set-cookie'] if @cookies.nil?
Just for my own education, could this code be rewriten in a more elegant way ?
le 12/09/2006 13:09, William Crawford nous a dit:
Another thought, however. Perhaps the page has additional requirements that you haven't met. Cookies that don't exist on the other page, but were set at login or somewhere else. Headers that you aren't sending and it expects. A specific refering page. (Or something else I've momentarily forgotten.)
Why write all this yourself? WWW::Mechanize will handle storing and
sending cookies for you. Then you can concentrate on getting the data
from the web page.
I don't why but suddenly it worked... I presumed I've missed something
Experience tells me it'll suddenly stop again, don't fret When I
have something that stop and starts, I usually stop and gather the exact
information being sent, byte for byte, from a success and a failure and
compare it. Using LiveHttpHeaders (for firefox, here's an IE version
with a name something like it) you can grab the exact headers, cookies
(in the headers) and post data sent.
Personally, I would take the time to set up a test I know works, and if
it ever fails you again, you can run that test again and see what's
different now. I'd even go as far as to record the headers for the test
now, while it works, and save it for when it doesn't. (I'm not usually
so proactive, but this could be a serious bear to debug without
known-good headers/etc, and I'm lazy.)
Just for my own education, could this code be rewriten in a more elegant
way ?
I'm not one to talk to about 'elegant' code... I'm more in the 'Hey, it
works, right?' category. Hehe.