I'm attempting to login and follow redirects, however, the below script
doesn't seem to do it. I arrive back at the main login page. Am I doing
something obviously wrong? Am I passing bad headers or wrong cookies?
See comments below.
Also, please don't tell me to use Mechanize. I'm trying to improve the
documentation of this library.
Code ------------------
domain = 'login.domain.com'
script = '/login.cfm'
params = 'email=e@mail.com&password=passw4rd'
loginRsp = http.post2(script,params)
loginRsp.each {|key, val| puts key + ' = ' + val}
puts "FIRST RESPONSE===========\r"
puts loginRsp['location'] #Seems ok => Login2.domain.com
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(loginRsp['location'])
headers = {'Cookie' => loginRsp.response['set-cookie']}
firstRsp = http.request(request,headers)
puts "SECOND RESPONSE===========\r"
puts firstRsp['location'] #Might be ok. =>
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(firstRsp['location'])
headers = {'Cookie' => firstRsp.response['set-cookie']}
secondRsp = http.request(request,headers)
puts "THIRD RESPONSE===========\r"
puts secondRsp['location'] #Not right. Should be
home.domain.com but it is simply domain.com.
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(secondRsp['location'])
headers = {'Cookie' => secondRsp.response['set-cookie']}
thirdRsp = http.request(request,headers)
puts "=======================END\r"
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