factbook gem & factbook.json 2020 Update - 260+ Public Domain (Free) World Country Profiles / Datasets (incl. Population, Internet Users, etc.)


  Time flies! After some years I have finally updated the world
factbook.json datasets [1]
and the "chrome-less" country profile web pages [2] using the latest
online country profile pages from the Official CIA World Factbook

  The web page structure has changed a little so I have updated the
factbook page parser [3] too -
packaged up in the factbook-reader gem / library for easy (re)use.

  If you find anything of notice in the updated datasets, pages,
parser, etc. please tell.

From the readme:

Get country profile page as a hash (that is, structured data e.g.
nested key/values)

page = Factbook::Page.new( 'br' )   # br is the country code for Brazil
pp page.data                        # pretty print hash

resulting in:

      "Following more than three centuries under Portuguese rule,
       Brazil gained its independence in 1822, ..."}},
  {"Location"=>{"text"=>"Eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean"},
   "Geographic coordinates"=>{"text"=>"10 00 S, 55 00 W"},

Save to disk as JSON

page = Factbook::Page.new( 'br' )
File.open( 'br.json', 'w:utf-8') do |f|
  f.write page.to_json

List all codes

Factbook.codes.each do |code|
  pp code

  and so on.

  Happy exploring the world. Cheers. Prost.

PS: Geo Quiz: What’s the name of the country? __________________

The country is landlocked; strategic location at the crossroads of
central Europe
with many easily traversable Alpine passes and valleys;
major river is the Danube; population is concentrated on eastern lowlands
because of steep slopes, poor soils, and low temperatures elsewhere.

[1] https://github.com/factbook/factbook.json
[2] http://factbook.github.io
[3] https://github.com/factbook/factbook/tree/master/factbook-readers