Exerb and GUI's

hi everyone :slight_smile:
i was wondering if i can pack applications with GUI's using exerb, and which
GUI's, and how..
also, if there is any english documentation concerning this, could someone
point me to it?
greetings, Dirk.

rubyscript2exe does packing of at least KDE ruby code just fine.


On Tuesday 03 January 2006 17:00, Dirk Meijer wrote:

hi everyone :slight_smile:
i was wondering if i can pack applications with GUI's using exerb, and
which GUI's, and how..
also, if there is any english documentation concerning this, could someone
point me to it?
greetings, Dirk.

Dirk Meijer wrote:

i was wondering if i can pack applications with GUI's using exerb, and which
GUI's, and how..

You can pack wxruby using Exerb. You'd use a line in your .exr recipe like

add_extension_library wxruby.so C:/path/to/wxruby.so

As mentioned, you probably should look at rubyscript2exe for creating ruby executables. It's newer and superior to exerb in almost all respects. It should work with most ruby GUIs (fox, wx, tk). Maybe slightly more complicated for GUIs built with external dependencies (GTK?), but still do-able.


Dirk Meijer wrote:
> i was wondering if i can pack applications with GUI's using exerb, and
> which GUI's, and how..

You can pack wxruby using Exerb. You'd use a line in your .exr recipe like

add_extension_library wxruby.so C:/path/to/wxruby.so

As mentioned, you probably should look at rubyscript2exe for creating ruby
executables. It's newer and superior to exerb in almost all respects. It
should work with most ruby GUIs (fox, wx, tk). Maybe slightly more
complicated for GUIs built with external dependencies (GTK?), but still

Uh, seems less complicated from what you're saying about recipies? All I do
to package my Korundum app is:

tar2rubyscript directoryname
rubyscript2exe directoryname.rb

And I have an executable called directoryname_linux. That's it. The only
thing you have to do to your code is have a file called init.rb that actually
makes it go. It packages all the dependencies, etc.

So no, it's not more complicated. :slight_smile:


On Tuesday 03 January 2006 18:03, Alex Fenton wrote:


Maybe slightly more
complicated for GUIs built with external dependencies (GTK?), but still

Uh, seems less complicated from what you're saying about recipies?

Recipes are just for exerb. Annoying whatever GUI package you're using. One more good reason to use rs2exe.

I wasn't trying to kick GTK. All I wanted to point out was that for GTK, if you're creating a package intended for distribution, your Windows users will need the GTK+ runtime - either you must supply all the bits, or they need to download and install it (as with GIMP).

Fxruby and wxruby are both standalone binaries on windows, so what rubyscript2exe finds is all rubyscript2exe needs to run on any Windows machine.
