I’d definitely prefer something other than (or in addition to) BitTorrent.
While I like the idea of it … (a) it screwed my Windows TPC/IP stack when I installed it and now I can’t get to the outside world on that box, because it blue screens (and, yes, I did uninstall BT; it seems to linger anyway and (b) because it’s based on usage “fairness” it doesn’t work at all well for people who have up/download limits, which is sadly the norm here in Oz.
Whatever it did, the result is that before I installed it, talking to the
outside world worked fine. After I installed it (and even after uninstalling
it), I get a blue screen of death every time.
It’s some kind of interaction between their code and the drivers for my USB
ADSL modem. They document it in their FAQ … would have been more helpful
on the front page … but I only have myself to blame for installing it
without reading the FAQ.
I’m not overly worried about it. I’d probably be brave enough to install the
Linux version on my other machine, except for the other issue I mentioned,
which is that their fairness policy means that I’d be almost guaranteed to go
over my limit if I used it to download anything significant.
Oh well; that’s the problem with living in a country with such backwards
I’m not overly worried about it. I’d probably be brave enough to install the
Linux version on my other machine, except for the other issue I mentioned,
which is that their fairness policy means that I’d be almost guaranteed to go
over my limit if I used it to download anything significant.
Don’t worry about it; the option --max_upload_rate allow you to control…
well, your upload rate. The download rate is not affected by this setting,
I think.